Tainted Bond


T.S. Narkissa Luna
1 min readApr 7, 2019

Our lives were ever too different,
Nothing but the connection that was deep,
It was but the only difference,
We hadn’t been without the worlds between us.

If it weren’t in the word,
You hadn’t known me,
If it were parts of the sun,
You’d only stand to join them —
I would be the second thought.

I would be but the moon,
Where the sun rules you,
I’ve lived in the deep of soul,
You clung to the tides of the eyes,
Ever the differ where we had none same.

A face of a coin on different coins,
Meanings all the same but the worth,
The flip of what morals or what stood,
We had no control over us.

It might have been,
But death and toxic blood,
It grew to taint the bonds,
Between us,
It wouldn’t change my choices —
To cut off what was broken and tainted.
— —



T.S. Narkissa Luna

Poetess & Writer. Mother of the hidden moon. Healing with spilled ink and tears. A soul aged with the things of night. https://www.patreon.com/tsnarkissaluna