$TAMA Unleashed on Bybit Exchange

2 min readApr 25, 2023


$TAMA, the native token of the Tamaverse, is getting listed on the Bybit exchange! This is a major milestone for our community, and our tails can’t stop wagging! With Bybit’s influence as a tier-1 exchange, it’s going to make $TAMA even more accessible and liquid for all you traders, investors, and players out there. We’re levelling up our game, and it’s going to be epic!

We’ve been working hard to bring you the best P2E experience possible, and with our latest arcade game, Tama Run, we’re showing that gaming and hard work can totally go paw-in-paw. Team Tama is all about providing you with the fun and safe ways of buying $TAMA so that you can boost your gameplay with every new exchange we get listed on.

Our CEO, Jon Bishop, said, “We’re thrilled to announce the listing of $TAMA on Bybit. This is a huge step forward for our community, and we know it’s going to drive gameplay and growth of the Tamaverse. Big shoutout to our amazing community for voting and getting us here.”

But that’s not all! We’ve been keeping the P2E game strong with generous coin releases, cool prize pool giveaways for our top players, and random prize awards that’ll keep you on your toes. We’re all about making sure you have an immersive and rewarding gaming experience with Tamadoge.

$TAMA is your ticket to the Tamaverse, where you can trade, breed, and battle with your NFT pets. You’ll get to breed adorable new pups, train them up, and battle it out for sweet rewards. And we’re just getting started!

We’ve got big plans to expand our P2E opportunities, including even more tier-1 exchange listings to come. It’s going to be next-level fun!

So get ready for some pawsome gaming, trading, and investing with $TAMA on Bybit. This is a game-changer for Tamadoge and our community, and we can’t wait to share more updates with you all. Join us on this wild ride and be part of the future of Play-to-Earn.

– Chris, Team Tama 🚀🐶

