Excitement builds for “El Cashico” as only two Champions League clubs backed by wealthy owners face off

TBN Sport
2 min readApr 12, 2016



Describing it as a rare meeting between such financial behemoths, excitement is building for the game described as “El Cashico” as Manchester City and Paris Saint-Germain, the only two Champions League clubs backed by wealthy owners, prepare to face off in the second leg of their Champions League quarter-final.

The face off between the fiscal titans has been described as a once in a lifetime opportunity to watch two financially robust sides battle it out in a tournament otherwise occupied by unknown and even amateur sides, often operating on shoestring budgets.

“Unlike minnows Real Madrid and Barcelona, owned respectively by a small family corner shop in the Spanish capital and a retired Catalan insurance salesman, PSG and Manchester City are bankrolled by some of the richest groups on earth. So it’s sure to be a real treat,” said UEFA spokesperson John Tully, adding that it would be an interesting experience for supporters to witness expensively assembled teams perform in a European competition.

“It’s not often we get a wealthy team, never mind two playing against each other, in the Champions League. These guys just operate on a different level to the likes of Bayern Munich, a quaint little regional team from Bavaria that you might have heard of, so we’re all very excited for it.”

At press time, commentators and fans alike were in awe as Paris Saint-Germain’s squad arrived to Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium in their own designated bus.

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