Tony Hibbert regales young Everton players with stories of maximum wage era

TBN Sport
1 min readApr 23, 2016


Describing the hardships he and his fellow pros went through at the time, Tony Hibbert reportedly spent a large portion of the morning regaling his young Everton teammates with stories of the maximum wage era.

“You don’t know lucky you whipper snappers have it, there was none of this goal bonus and appearance fee nonsense, that’s for true. Yes sir, yes sir,” rambled the senile defender, adding that in his day they were happy with a shilling and maybe a ham if they had played well.

“Ham was good, but what you really wanted was the lard. Oh yes, kept you warm and was good for eating. Hmmmm.”

At press time, Hibbert was horrifying teammates with grisly tales from the Battle of the Somme.

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