TCG World Announces $5,000,000 Purchase In Commercial Real Estate With New Partners Curzio Research Inc.

TCG World
3 min readMay 24, 2022


TCG World Partners With Curzio Research Inc.

TCG World is excited to announce an exciting new strategic partnership with Curzio Research Inc who have acquired 19 commercial real estate properties inside TCG World Metaverse for $5,000,000. This will mark one of the largest virtual real estate purchases to date for virtual property in the metaverse. Curzio Research plans on building its headquarters in the Asia region of TCG World, near WallStreetBets. This is where Curzio VIP members can meet with other investors, attend live events, educational seminars and conferences, listen to exclusive Wall Street Unplugged podcasts, and build an investment community.

Curzio Research, Inc. is a financial publishing company specializing in independent investment research and analysis. Curzio Research will initiate a capital raise of up to $4,000,000, which will be used to fund a portion of this TCG real estate acquisition and for general corporate purposes. This may include, but not be limited to, capital expenditures, acquisitions, infrastructure and personnel, development of products and services, and legal and accounting expenses.

“The metaverse is what the internet was supposed to be,” says Curzio Research founder, Frank Curzio. “A decentralized, permissionless place where individuals have the freedom to create and own their digital content.

“When researching the options, TCG World had all the elements — gamification, entertainment, social, and commerce — to create a true open metaverse. And its low fee structure incentivizes innovation for users and developers. We’re happy to be part of this pro-growth model in an industry that has incredible upside potential.”

The Curzio Research headquarters is expected to be completed before the TCG World official launch, or before September 2022.

For additional information on this deal, visit (

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🌎What is TCG World?

‘’ The largest open world metaverse ’’

TCG World is an online open world virtual gaming experience where players can earn TCG Coin 2.0, gather NFT collectibles, own virtual real estate, create, explore the game world, control their own online businesses, or just have fun. TCG World introduces a new approach to NFTs making it more than just a piece of art — now players can take their NFTs into the gaming world and play. Everything a player owns in the metaverse is an NFT — real estate, vehicles, pets, trophies and even player avatars.

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TCG World — is an immersive 4K NFT-based open world adventure game powered by our very own currency — TCG2