TCG World — How To Buy Plots

A Step-by-Step Guide using Metamask and Trust Wallet

TCG World
6 min readSep 9, 2021

Our TCG World Metaverse contains 100,000 plots of virtual land. Each section represents a region, and each region will have cities within them with virtual land scattered all around. As you can see, our map will be incredibly large! In fact, it will be 800km² in area size! We wanted to provide you with an experience of exploration as well as entertainment.

TCG World Map

Virtual Land Benefits

While exploring our Metaverse you will discover that each region provides unique and passive benefits available to all players whilst inside that location.

Owning a plot provides the perk of fast travel to the region it is located in. Multiple plots can allow for quick travel across multiple regions. A plot will also be needed to build on and store NFTs, etc.

Farms are available across all four regions and have play-to-earn features as well as staking TCGCoin.

TCG World Regions

There are two kinds of plots available to buy in TCG World. Regional plots are spread out among the four main regions of TCG World:

The North

The East


The lush forests in the South

You can also purchase a farming plot. These land divisions are spread out evenly throughout the regions, and offer a unique opportunity to earn TCG coins.

When you buy a regional plot in TCG world, you are securing your place in the metaverse. Every plot of land is titled with an NFT that you will hold in your own crypto wallet. When the game launches, you will be able to pick your real estate and start “moving in.”

Every plot owner will have access to built-in building tools and a catalogue of building components that you can buy with TCG tokens. Even more options will be available to advanced builders using 3d software according to TCG World specifications and building guidelines.

Some of the benefits for users:

The North — more TCG crystals to loot and gather;

The East — extra rare creatures and artefact to find;

Asia — more creatures to catch and trade afterward on our TCG marketplace;

The Forest — creatures grow faster on this land;

Farm — own farms and earn TCGcoins through staking;

Please note: The bigger your land is in the region , the more regional bonuses you get!

To find out more about our Region Benefits read our previous article — TCG World Catalog.

How To Buy Plot

A Step-by-Step Guide using Metamask + PC/iOS/Android and Trust Wallet + PC/iOS/Android

For all devices and methods of connecting, we recommend using MetaMask rather than Trust Wallet. Please be sure to update wallet apps and use Safari or Chrome on PC.

Preferred Method

With MetaMask extension on Chrome (download

  1. Simply navigate to using Chrome browser
  2. Click “connect” or “add new wallet”
  3. Click “MetaMask”
  4. Click “sign”/signature verification
  5. That’s it, your wallet is connected!

2nd Preferred Method


  1. On Chrome browser, load
  2. Log in (or create account if you have not done so already)
  3. Click “Connect Wallet” or “Add New Wallet” on upper right of page
  4. Click “Connect via Wallet Connect” — this should bring up a QR code
  5. Open Metamask (Please make sure you are on BSC Mainnet; MetaMask may initially default to Ethereum. If you find that is the case, first follow this guide: How To Connect MetaMask Wallet to The Binance Smart Chain (
  6. Tap QR window in upper right corner.
  7. In MetaMask, tap “connect” > “sign”
  8. You should now be connected. If these steps fail, please make sure your MetaMask app has been updated.

METAMASK/iOS via Wallet Connect

  1. Using Chrome browser, navigate to TCG.World
  2. Log in (or create account if you have not done so already)
  3. “Connect via Wallet Connect”
  4. Tap “MetaMask”
  5. Once MetaMask loads, you should see a message pop up asking if you’d like to connect to the site; tap “connect”
  6. Navigate back to browser; you should now be connected.

If these steps fail, try using QR code rather than mobile:

  1. Follow steps 1–3 above
  2. Tap “QR code”
  3. Open MetaMask; tap QR window on top right to open camera
  4. Scan QR code on
  5. When MetaMask loads, tap “connect” > “sign”
  6. Your wallet should now be connected!

Additional iOS option using Dapps in MetaMask:

  1. Open MetaMask
  2. Tap 3 bars in upper left corner
  3. Tap “browser”
  4. In search bar, type TCG.World
  5. Login or create account
  6. Tap connect wallet or add new wallet
  7. Tap “connect via wallet connect”
  8. Tap QR code on right
  9. Open MetaMask with another device, on wallet screen tap QR camera in upper right corner and scan QR code on website

10.Tap “connect” > “sign”

11.Return to browser, you should now be connected.

METAMASK/ANDROID via Wallet Connect

  1. Open MetaMask app
  2. Tap 3 blue lines in upper left corner
  3. Tap “browser”
  4. Type “TCG.World” in search bar. (Please make sure you are on BSC Mainnet; MetaMask may initially default to Ethereum. If you find that is the case, first follow this guide: How To Connect MetaMask Wallet to The Binance Smart Chain (
  5. Login or create account at TCG.World
  6. Click “connect wallet” or “add new wallet”
  7. Tap “MetaMask”
  8. Tap “connect” > “sign”
  9. Your wallet should now be connected!

TRUST WALLET/PC *Best option if you are using Trust Wallet*

  1. Using Chrome browser, navigate to TCG.World
  2. Login or create new account
  3. Click “connect wallet” or “add new wallet”
  4. Click “connect via Wallet Connect” — this should bring up a QR code
  5. Open Trust Wallet app
  6. Tap “Settings”
  7. Tap “Wallet Connect”
  8. Tap “New Connection”
  9. Scan QR code on TCG.World using Trust Wallet camera
  10. Tap “connect” > “verify signature request”
  11. Your wallet should now be connected!

Please note: If connecting via iOS/Android and Trust Wallet while having MetaMask also installed, QR system will auto-direct to MetaMask. You must scan QR code FROM Trust Wallet directly (settings > Wallet Connect)


  1. Using Chrome browser, navigate to TCG.World
  2. Log in or create new account
  3. Tap “connect wallet/add new wallet”
  4. Connect via Wallet Connect

5. Tap Trust Wallet symbol

6. Tap “connect” within Trust Wallet, verify signature

7. Return to TCG.World, your wallet should be connected

*if wallet does not connect,*

  1. Repeat steps 1–4 but tap QR code instead

2. Open Trust Wallet > settings > “wallet connect” on another device

3. Scan TCG World QR code using Trust Wallet camera

4. Tap “connect” > “verify signature” in Trust Wallet

5. Your wallet should now be connected!

If after all troubleshooting, wallet still will not connect, please use PC and follow the steps for Trust Wallet/PC above.


  1. Open Trust Wallet and tap the DApps button on the bottom of the screen.
  2. Type TCG.World into search bar
  3. Log in or create new account
  4. Tap “connect wallet/add new wallet”
  5. Connect via Wallet Connect
  6. Tap Trust Wallet symbol
  7. Tap “connect” within Trust Wallet, verify signature
  8. Return to TCG.World, your wallet should be connected

If wallet does not connect, please use PC and follow the steps for Trust Wallet/PC above.

See all available plots — here!

How long does it take for the plot to show in my assets page on

Once you have purchased your plot through our website and have followed the above instructions to connect your wallet, head to the assets page on your profile and the plot will show within minutes.

Please note: This is a placeholder NFT that will ONLY show in your assets page and not in your crypto wallet. Once the plot NFTs have been minted, you will be able to exchange your placeholder NFT for the actual plot NFT. We anticipate the exchange will be available to plots holders once the Beta has been completed.

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TCG World

TCG World — is an immersive 4K NFT-based open world adventure game powered by our very own currency — TCG2