Welcome To The TCG Dragon Cave Club — NFT Launch Date — 7th Feb–18:00 CET

TCG World
5 min readFeb 3, 2022


Things are about to heat up 🔥 The first TCG World NFT collection with exclusive utility in the metaverse is almost ready to drop! Welcome to the TCG Dragon Cave Club, a collection of 10,000 NFTs on OpenSea (ETH) each with unique properties and traits created in collaboration with FramdNFT & artist Vali Lancea.

🌍Launch Date — 7th Feb, 18:00 CET

Due to cross chain nature of this claim operation and a need to be synced with the game, we advise only to use PC Metamask when minting your NFTs. For Trust Wallet users we recommend importing Trust Wallet into MM. Please reach out to an admin or moderator in our Telegram for support.

Plot Holders Early Access

We are pleased to confirm that the TCG Dragon Cave Club Collection will be available to mint from 7th Feb, 18:00 CET. TCG World Plots Holders will be given 1 week to Mint up to 2 NFT Dragons, this will allow the community more flexibility with minting and gas fees. After 1 week, we will allow plot holders only, another 30 days to claim more Dragons. Should there be any remaining after the 30 day period, we will open up sales to non — plot holders.

To ensure you are able to get one of our TCG Dragon NFTs, head on over to website and purchase a Plot of Land in TCG World to get access to the group and NFTs.


Your TCG Dragon NFT is your VIP Ticket and access pass to a secret cave hidden in an undisclosed location TCG World which will hold events/concerts, giveaways, whitelist spots and many more benefits to NFT holders. We will continue to add exclusive benefits to the Dragon NFT overtime to increase its utility as TCG World is developed in 2022/23.

🌍Rarest Dragon Bounty — $50,000 reward

The rarest TCG Dragon in our collection has a $50,000 bounty on his head. If you're lucky enough to find him, TCG World will make an offer on OpenSea to buy your Dragon for $50,000 in ETH — should you choose to accept!

The holder of the rarest NFT when our TCG World game is launched will get a 1/1 Mystic TCG Dragon in TCG World. 🔥

TCG World rarest NFT Dragon — $50,000 prize

🌍Important Information

  1. The minting opens at 12pm EST (6pm Central Europe Time) , February 7th. The minting will take place on the TCG World website.
  2. This is a hidden mint. Once the whole collection is sold out, we will host a reveal party and change the metadata to reveal your TCG Dragon NFTs
  3. The process will be as follows:
    Go to TCG World Webpage.
    Click on Dragon NFT Link (available on launch)
    Connect wallet with BSC Network.
    Verify land ownership (Our backend will then verify).
    Instructions will pop up to switch to ETH Network using the same wallet address.
    You are then able to mint. Maximum 2 in the first week.
  4. Once purchased you will be able to connect to OpenSea where you will see the reveal image until we swap the MetaData to reveal the TCG Dragons.

🌍 The Artist — Vali Lancea

Vali Lancea, is an artist specialising in digital art. He graduated from George Enescu University with a degree in sculpture and specific art techniques in 2009. Since then he specialised in digital art, 2d and 3d, static and animated.

Vali started a solo career in 2015 and built a small studio delivering all kinds of visuals to clients around the world by building concepts, creating characters from scratch and creating art involving new technologies and techniques.

How did you get started with NFTs?

I started working with some people involved in ICON projects and then projects on Opensea and Solsea. I have learned a lot about the NFT world, the small details about creating big collections, generating designs that sell, combining my experience in concept art with illustrator skills and blockchain technology.
I fell in love with the NFT Market and now I am able to think a project through, to estimate it correctly, to produce it and put it online. I think you can call me a NFT artist.

The dragons challenge from TCG was a wonderful project I have concepted together with the team, I produced and generated the 10,000 and I got a huge satisfaction when I saw it done.

The dragons had to be a combination of pure art, mainstream character design and interesting visual elements and I think they are exactly that. I am proud I had the chance to work at such a project and I am very happy TCG allowed me to apply my skills.

🌍 Who is Frāmd?
The close-knit team of three consist of Co-Founders Andrew Burns and Geoff Mason and talented artist Vali Lancea. The team wanted to combine their passions for the cryptocurrency market and NFT’s and originally formed as Crypto Whale Portraits in August 2021. The team had the aim of creating unique hand drawn NFT’s that focused on an underwater theme and have since sold over 80 NFT’s on Opensea and on craft.network.

As the company progressed and the market changed, in December last year, Crypto Whale Portraits rebranded to Frāmd, as the team wanted to move away from the original NFT’s and branch out into few forms of art. Similar to the vision launched in August, Frāmd wanted to create art for people who had a vision that they wanted brought to life. The Dragons NFT launching on TCG is the first project away from the ocean for this team and was a challenge that excited them.

Frāmd hopes to add value to the wonderful TCG World community and as such has recently purchased several plots of land in the Metaverse with the dream of having an Art Studio built for themselves and artist Vali Lancea that users can come visit. The team looks forward to collaboration with TCG World in the future the wonderful community.

What is TCG World?

‘’ The largest open world blockchain metaverse ’’

TCG World is an online open world virtual gaming experience where players can earn TCG Coin 2.0, gather NFT collectibles, own virtual real estate, create, explore the game world, control their own online businesses, or just have fun. TCG World introduces a new approach to NFTs making it more than just a piece of art — now players can take their NFTs into the gaming world and play. Everything a player owns in the metaverse is an NFT — real estate, vehicles, pets, trophies and even player avatars.

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TCG World

TCG World — is an immersive 4K NFT-based open world adventure game powered by our very own currency — TCG2