Driving Change in a Climate of Scarcity

Kimberly Lowe-Williams
2 min readSep 18, 2019


My most recent challenge has manifested itself in various organizations, companies, and cultures but has one resonating tone — scarcity. Regardless of the size, revenue, and profitability of an organization when faced with a culture of scarcity the first things deprioritized or put on the back burner are the activities that could lead to significant long-lasting positive shifts in the culture. This is true in nonprofits that struggle to keep their doors open as well as tech giants.

“The five largest tech companies are collectively worth more than the entire economy of the United Kingdom. Investors value these companies at $3.5 trillion” — Source Chicago Tribune(2018–04–27)

Yes believe it or not in an industry that large there are budgets, bottom lines that will cause them to run scared and once running scared people tend to act in ways similar to small organizations with only a fraction of the revenue. When this happens programs and initiatives focused on changing the homogenous culture are slashed. This includes the very conscious and long-fought effort to slow down and hire more diverse groups of people that companies “lecture” are so critical in their growth.

Typically, it is at this point that I suggest, nudge or even point to the fallacies in this way of thinking or options that would overcome such challenges; instead, I am going to end this quick post with a few questions:

How is your company any different?

How are you engineering a difference in tech?

Sound off.

The Difference Engine, NFP’s mission is to empower those from non-traditional or underrepresented backgrounds launch their careers in tech. We can only continue to grow through the support and sponsorship of forward-thinking organizations really wanting to make a difference. Contact kimberly@thedifferenceengine.io to learn more.



Kimberly Lowe-Williams

12+ yrs in tech leadership, championing growth & transformation. Ex-Nonprofit founder aiding 200+ tech transitions. Your mentorship compass. 🧭