Rearchitecting Legacy Machine Learning Systems

Amit Jain & Ronaldo Felipe | TMLS2019

TDS Editors
Towards Data Science
1 min readApr 7, 2020


A talk from the Toronto Machine Learning Summit: https://torontomachinelearning.com/

TradeRev uses regression models for predicting the auction price of cars. The early years of ML/development focused entirely on time to market which lead to a successful product but we ended up with a code base that had huge tech debt (spaghetti code, monolithic architecture, manually created infrastructure etc.).

Increasing adoption rate of the product exposed the tech debt as scaling the product became a massive bottleneck. The speakers will discuss how they took the challenge of rearchitecting the entire ML product from both software engineering and data science perspectives.

They will share how they accomplished many milestones as a result of this endeavour:

  • Improved model accuracy
  • Microservices architecture
  • Scalable ML solution
  • Continuous Integration & Automated Deployments
  • Dockerized software solution- 80% + code coverage
  • Regression/performance testing
  • Enhanced monitoring of evaluation metrics
  • Infrastructure as service

Connect with Amit Jain: LinkedIn | Twitter



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