How to Build an E-commerce Brand

3 min readOct 3, 2019


Building a brand name for your e-commerce company is hard work. We mean really hard work. But, that shouldn’t stop you — or anybody else — from creating a unique brand that is both successful and singular.

When you’re starting out, the first question you’ll inevitably have to stare down is, “How do I get my brand off the ground?” It seems too complicated at first, which often leads many would-be business owners to quit before they’ve truly started.

However, building an e-commerce venture is doable no matter who you are. It’s just a matter of homing in on exactly what you want to offer, how you plan to deliver, who your target audience is, and creating a strategy that blends those facets together.

Start small, but dream big

Any e-commerce venture should begin with small and modest goals for the near-term, but lofty and visionary plans for the future. The latter will fuel your present-day operations, but your day-to-day operations are what will make that big dream become a reality.

In the beginning, you’ll need to define in precise terms what your e-commerce business will offer. For instance, instead of thinking in general terms, like selling bike parts, you should specifically target an under-served niche, or a popular niche wherein you believe you can make a difference.

So, instead of selling bike parts generally, maybe you have a business contact who can give you great prices on wholesale drivetrains. By starting there, you already have a strong point and can undersell competitors. Even if you would like to branch out by selling additional bike parts in your shop down the road, beginning with competitively priced drivetrains will power your initial capital accumulation.

As the sales roll in, you can start to expand your offerings slowly in ways that cohesively gel with your current offerings.

Customer service is second to none

Building an amazing e-commerce brand has so much to do with the way you handle customer relationships. If you develop a reputation for unbeatable customer relations, then you create two positive circumstances for your brand:

1. Your brand produces and nurtures customer loyalty

2. You can begin pricing your reputation into your products

Creating incredible customer relations means being on the spot for all customer concerns, needs, and issues from the start. In the beginning, you’ll need to be very compliant to customer needs — especially when you think they’re in the wrong.

Create a rewards program

At the end of the day, customer loyalty is how you build a great brand. Even if you have desirable products at great prices, you’ll sink too much capital in marketing to new customers if you have trouble retaining existing ones.

That’s where a rewards program can step in and take your e-commerce brand to the next level. Rewards programs help your clientele generate credit towards your store every time they spend money, which encourages them to stick with your brand.

Additionally, by partnering with a merchant platform like ChatTee, your customers can trade out their rewards points from other shops and spend that money at yours.

Learn more about how TEE-coin can help you build a better e-commerce brand at

About TEE-coin

TEE-coin is a reward token based on cryptocurrency technology and as an exchangeable currency to many cryptocurrencies, solves the problem of the inability to use cryptocurrencies at merchants. Faster than anything else, with low service fees, in the amount you need when you need it, we provide you with the ability to top-up TEE-coin with other cryptocurrencies and to make payments speedily.

Learn more about TEE-coin:



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