It’s only a matter of time before blockchain is implemented in loyalty program

3 min readSep 6, 2019


Interview with Toshiyuki Maeda, the CTO of TEE-coin

CTO of TEE-coin, Toshiyuki Maeda

“we see more and more platforms accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method” — Toshiyuki Maeda

Toshiyuki Maeda is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of TEE-coin. In this interview, Toshiyuki will be discussing with us; a reward token based on cryptocurrency technology and as an exchangeable currency to many cryptocurrencies, which solves the problem of the inability to use cryptocurrencies at local merchants.

As consumers become overwhelmed with more and more information and media, they are forced to sift through an overload of information and multiple reviews that may or may not be trustworthy or reliable to find or purchase a desired product. Whereas merchants face similar challenges when it comes to acquiring new customers in this digital era where stores can no longer rely on brick and mortar traffic alone. TEE-coin acts as a networking platform to bridge both consumers and merchants to solve common problems faced by both parties.

What services are you providing and what problem does TEE-coin solve?

ChatTee provides customers with a variety of services including:

  • Loyalty programs for ChatTee users who share their experiences, patronize participating merchants and/or stay active on the platform.
  • Cryptocurrency exchanges to purchase products and services provided by ChatTee merchants.
  • Loyalty rewards conversions to provide users with the flexibility of exchanging TEC with other loyalty rewards points.

ChatTee provides merchants with a variety of services including:

  • Full payment services with TEC or other cryptocurrencies (indirectly via the TEE-coin top-up function).
  • User acquisition and advertisement tools including coupon, banner or article marketing.
  • Loyalty programs, events and activities organized by ChatTee to build user retention.
  • Targeted marketing services to send push notification messages to select users.
  • Shared business insights and shopping analytics available through the merchant app.

How does ChatTee work?

Leveraging artificial intelligence and advanced blockchain technology, ChatTee facilitates verified customer reviews, while providing merchants of all sizes with simple tools to gather shopping analytics and run rewards programs that increase revenue and inspire customer loyalty. Users are rewarded with TEC in exchange for engagement and merchant reviews on the platform.

Additionally, ChatTee is partnered with multiple rewards programs to enhance convenience and liquidity by enabling points from other reward programs and airline mileage to be converted into TEC, acting as a bridge for cryptocurrencies and reward programs, while solving issues with expiring rewards and lack of interchangeability.

Do you have any success stories to share with us so far, tell us about the TEE-coin Traction?

ChatTee was launched in January 2019 and has accumulated approximately 20,000 users. We have partnerships with major retailers and brands in Singapore to join the platform including , Polar Puff and Cakes and Jeap Yip Group .

Why is TEE-coin better than other competitors?

We believe there isn’t a single service provider offering an overall ecosystem as a solution. Crypto users mainly use their cryptocurrencies for investment or speculative purposes rather than common purchases. However, this is gradually changing as we see more and more platforms accepting cryptocurrencies as a payment method.

But the use of those cryptocurrencies are still often restricted within their own platform and not interchangeable. Also, most platforms typically leverage their existing user base so there is a lack of incremental business insight.

We are building a platform that allows flexibility and interchangeability on token rewards. It can be purchased, exchanged from other cryptocurrencies or earned through user activity. The tokens accumulated are versatile, and can be used at our merchants or be exchanged to other reward or points systems. In addition, as we are building the platform, data can be collected at a faster rate and the cost to process the data is shared. As such, it will empower our merchants with state-of-the-art AI technology (which is currently only accessible to big players) at a fraction of the cost required.

For more information, visit the website

Originally published at on September 6, 2019.




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