Guardians Monthly TF Recap May 2023

Telos Foundation Guardians
6 min readJun 28, 2023

As part of the Telos Guardians ongoing commitment to the token holders that elected them, we are proud to deliver the first monthly report that seeks to investigate and learn of the various activities and deliverables within the Telos Foundation as a whole.

This report is the first of its kind, and will most certainly change as we receive community feedback and refine the template we use. It is meant to be somewhat high-level while hopefully providing more detail to the community as to what the various functional groups of the Telos Foundation are up to.

If you have comments, questions, and most importantly suggestions for future reports please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Guardians via DM, in the Telos Gov channel in Telegram, or through our Guardian channel in the Telos Discord.


The Telos Guardians

June 1, 2023 — NFT Meeting

  • Looking to provide a high level view and add KPI that seem relevant.
  • The Telos NFT team have their own Twitter account that they can use to more aggressively push Telos NFT related content vs only going through the primary Telos TF Twitter account.
  • The NFT count on-chain is relatively low, but is all organic. It is expected that this will get greatly increased with the recent moves and relationships being developed.
  • Working to expand the real world NFT opportunities to engage with a broader community to draw more artists into the Telos ecosystem.

Active Top Priorities:

  • Artist Onboarding
  • High quality marketplace
  • Community engagement and growth
  • Defining the Telos NFT Brand
  • Onboarding tools and resources

June 5, 2023 — Business Development Meeting

  • BD has a targeted list to go after now that the GME deal has been announced.
  • There is a backlog of content to be released based on appropriate timing tied to the broader TF Marketing framework.
  • Ongoing work with key infrastructure providers, fiat onboarding, NFT, digital assets, and on the intro’s that have been provided by GME.
  • GME work is active and ongoing on multiple fronts with Telos being pivotal to the GME PlayR product release.
  • Existing Web3 games are being worked with to migrate from other larger and well known ecosystems/blockchains.
  • Traditional Web2 studios are also being pursued for future migration.

Active Top Priorities:

  • DeFi ecosystem growth
  • Web3 gaming ecosystem growth
  • NFT/digital asset marketplace growth
  • Infrastructure development (launchpads, wallets, tooling, etc.)
  • Real world partners

June 6, 2023 — GameFi Meeting

  • Making the most out of the GME relationship and how working with Telos can provide a path for games to be introduced and potentially included in PlayR.
  • Game migration to Telos/PlayR is a lowest hanging fruit first approach. So existing Web3 games are being targeted for potential migration.
  • Gaming Web3 developer tooling is being looked at. There are a number of projects working on this with no clear winner in terms of a widely accepted standard. The team is active on this aspect though and making sure Telos is well positioned to be inline with the market trends.
  • There is a digital asset marketplace solution that is being worked with to provide that aspect of what is needed with the PlayR integration. This is looking to also provide rails to other larger marketplaces like OpenSea.

Active Top Priorities:

  • Onboard major/popular Web3 gaming developers from other networks.
  • Pair incoming Web3 gaming partners with appropriate Web3 gaming DAOs to expand their/our reach.
  • Onboard more developer tooling to give devs as many options as possible for onboarding and app/asset management.
  • Engage with multiple communities across socials (Twitter, Reddit, Discord) to build hype for the PlayR launch.

June 7, 2023 — Marketing Meeting

  • Collaboration with GME is active and ongoing with multiple meetings per week. This is used to review BD pipeline and ensure alignment as time passes and PlayR launch gets closer.
  • Comms from TF Marketing are done so with a general set of rules relating to best practices around compliance and legal guidance.
  • The larger picture TF Marketing strategy is set quarterly but reviewed/updated as needed with the changing macro conditions.

Active Top Priorities:

  • GME launch
  • TEDP4 execution
  • Telos Zero execution
  • Telos Web3 gaming growth
  • TCD product marketing
  • Community engagement tools
  • New contractor onboarding
  • Telos rebranding

June 7, 2023 — Telos Core Developers Meeting

  • TCD has 11 contributors with 4 divisions of focus: Frontend, backend, EVM, and ZK
  • Front End currently focused on EVM, web wallet and bugs
  • Back End currently focused on node operator bugs first, then continue progress on EVM wallet 1.5 and 2.0
  • Additional team acts as a link between Front End and Back End, and works on APIs, so takes data from the blockchain and makes it presentable to the Front End dev. Also working on an impending hardware wallet integration API.

KPI tracking is getting initiated for these calls going forward so there was nothing to present for this meeting. Some suggested KPI for future meetings are:

  • User metrics for the Webwallet
  • API downtime
  • EVM transactions/month
  • User metrics for Teloscan

Active Top Priorities:

  • EVM Wallet
  • EVM 1.5
  • Telos Zero
  • Teloscan
  • Hardware Wallet APIs
  • Create an easy developer onboarding experience (documentation, tutorials, active community)
  • Monthly Tech Talk
  • Governance changes backlog

June 8, 2023 — DeFi Meeting

  • Goals on TVL aren’t really able to be set as they are based on TLOS token price.
  • Multichain issues impacted the DeFi ecosystem on Telos and resulted in liquidity being taken out of the chain and the volumes on EVM falling as a consequence.
  • The team has evaluated top-5 bridge solutions and have ongoing advanced stage discussions with 3 of them.
  • During the month of May, outreach to 10+ projects has been performed and currently has 3 projects in advanced discussions.
  • The team is also expanding by bringing in a new DeFi lead who will ramp up the operations and growth starting from mid-July officially.

Active Top Priorities:

  • Outreach to more DeFi ecosystem products
  • Bridges options expanded
  • Stable Coin progress
  • Perpetuals
  • Concentrated Liquidity
  • Secure a Balancer Fork

June 14, 2023 — Liquidity and Exchanges Meeting

Note: The Liquidity and Exchanges team is arguably the most sensitive in terms of what can be said publicly due to the NDAs and process of having tokens listed on Centralized Exchanges. These notes are sparse, but will be increased over time wherever possible.

  • The L&E team have active on-going conversations with 7+ top centralized exchanges & fiat on/off ramps where 4 of the leads are in advanced discussions.
  • The frequency of these interactions is often dependent on the exchanges themselves and their internal processes for token listing.
  • Some exchanges are more strict/particular than others, however the L&E team make a point to respond immediately to all correspondence and go above and beyond to provide the necessary details in answering requests.
  • L&E team currently oversees a fund of $6M (~50% — TLOS & 50% — Stables/WBTC/ETH, Other assets). This data is from 07th June 2023. The accounts are audited by Brian Tse (certified CPA and also member of oversight committee at L&E).

Active Top Priorities:

  • Push to get TLOS listed on as many top-tier exchanges as possible.
  • Maintain relationships with existing exchange partners.
  • Remain well informed of the macro environment and regulatory considerations as it relates to token listings in various jurisdictions.

About the Guardians

The Telos Foundation Guardians are an oversight organization that ensures the Telos Foundation is aligned with the community’s goals for the Telos network. They work to promote the network, monitor funding, approve payments, review the technical roadmap, ensure the TBNOA document is accurate, and appoint & support a CEO who upholds the mandate of the foundation.

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Telos Foundation Guardians

The Telos Foundation Guardians are the elected members of the Telos Foundation whose role is to represent the community's voice in the Foundation's work.