How-To Guide: Participating in On-Chain Guardians Elections

Nominating, Accepting Nominations, and Voting

Telos Foundation Guardians
4 min readJul 6, 2023


Welcome to our how-to guide for participating in Telos’ on-chain governance. This document provides step-by-step instructions for TLOS token-holders on how to nominate candidates, accept nominations, and cast your vote, ensuring your active involvement in shaping the future of our organization. Let’s dive in and make your voice heard in the election process!

Nominating someone:

In order to nominate someone, you’ll have to have a native Telos account (get one here!) with a few resources staked to perform actions.

  1. On your browser, navigate to and search for the account ‘tf’. (Click here to go directly to the contract actions and skip to step 3.)
  2. Scroll down to click the ‘Contract’ tab and click ‘Actions’
  3. Make sure that you are logged into the app with your native TLOS account via Anchor or Cleos by following the prompts

4. Select the ‘nominate’ action from the drop down menu and enter the account name of nominee and nominator

5. Click the “Push Transaction” button and approve with your favorite signing wallet

Accepting a Nomination:

Once you’ve been nominated by someone, a candidate must execute the ‘addcand’ action for themselves in order to show up on the ballot. To do that:

  1. Follow steps 1 and 2 for “nominating someone”
  2. Change the drop-down for actions to ‘addcand’, and enter your account name in the appropriate field.

3. Click to ‘Push Transaction’ and sign with your signing wallet.

Congratulations! You’ve nominated and/or accepted a nomination for a Guardians seat.

Voting for a Candidate:

(Coming soon! Come back when voting opens for a step-by-step of how to vote for candidates. To get ready, you can download the Decide Voter and Anchor mobile apps, or get your account linked to

What you’ll need/Setup:

  • Link your account to with the signing wallet of your choice (we like Anchor)



  • Staked tokens — some for resources to vote and more for vote weight*.

*Vote weight is counted based on how many TLOS tokens you have combined staked between resources (CPU, NET, and RAM) and REX on the native Telos blockchain.

Getting Started with

Already logged in? Skip to step 3 by going directly to the ballot on

  1. Navigate the website and login by connecting your account with your favorite signing wallet.
  2. Now go to the ‘Elections’ tab where you’ll see the “TF Board Election” proposal. Click to “View proposal and vote” which will bring up the ballot.

3. Select up to 5 candidates that you believe will make excellent Guardians, and click ‘Vote’, then sign the transaction with your signing wallet of choice.

4. SUCCESS! Congratulations, you have successfully taken part in Telos’ governance and made your voice heard to help shape the future of our community. Thank you for voting!

Getting Started with the Decide Voter app:

Already an active voter on DV? Skip to step 3 by going directly to the ballot on the mobile app.

  1. Open your Decide Voter app on your phone & select the account with which you’ll be voting. Upon login you’ll be taken to the ‘groups’ page. *NOTE: If you have not yet voted on any Telos governance before, you’ll need to click the button to ‘join’ the group before you are able to vote.

2. Select the Telos Governance Token group and click the filter icon to filter for ‘Ballots’. Choose the ‘TF Board Election’ to see available candidates and ballot details.

3. Now select up to 5 of your favorite candidates, and click ‘Save’ to sign with your Anchor Mobile wallet.

4. SUCCESS! Congratulations, you have successfully taken part in Telos’ governance and made your voice heard to help shape the future of our community. Thank you for voting!



Telos Foundation Guardians

The Telos Foundation Guardians are the elected members of the Telos Foundation whose role is to represent the community's voice in the Foundation's work.