Three Tips to Get the Most Out of Voice Therapy

TG Voice Therapy
2 min readOct 23, 2018


Transgender voice therapy in Los Angeles is available to anyone seeking voice therapy prior to or post-voice surgery. To some, their voice should also match who they identify as to truly live their authentic selves. Transgender voice therapy is vital for those seeking their voice to match who they identify as on the inside.

It’s important to understand that simply getting voice therapy lessons will not give you the most satisfactory results. Many fail to understand that effort should also be put in outside of your sessions. Our TG Voice Therapy office has identified 3 tips that can help with a more satisfactory voice outcome prior to voice therapy:

Warm Up Your Voice

Warm up your voice before beginning each therapy session. You can do this through means of gliding from your lowest to the highest note with the word “knoll” and “whoop”. Repeat this to warm up your voice as well as release stress prior to beginning the full session. By warming up your voice beforehand, you will be getting the most out of your session.

Feminine Resonance

Most male-to-female trans people wish their voice sounded more “feminine”, for which the best tip is to achieve this is to do forward-focused resonance as opposed to elevating the voice pitch. This is done through means of imagining your voice coming out of your mouth as opposed to your throat.

Work The New Skills

It is important that a client works the skills they learn during voice therapy sessions at home as well. It’s the equivalent to having homework after a full day of school — you have to continue working on the new skills you’ve learned in order to make progress.

About TG Voice Therapy:

TG Voice Therapy is a transgender voice therapy Los Angeles provider. We provide our clients with the best tips and services possible in order to maintain a happy, healthy life such as trans, male, and female voice therapy. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more updates! In order to contact us, click here.



TG Voice Therapy

We want you to be confident in your new speaking voice. Offering Female and Male Transgender Voice Therapy.