ITEM of the Month: Anitra Johnson

2 min readFeb 21, 2017

As part of our efforts to build a community, we highlight one of our members each month. Meet Anitra Johnson, who will anchor our March Education Corner on SEO Basics — How Websites Interact With Search Engines:

The ITEM: Tell us something about yourself.

Anitra Johnson (AJ): I’m a proud HBCU graduate, Morgan State University and I have a master in New Media Journalism from Full Sail University, one of the best schools for entertainment business education. Since then, I’ve worked in website marketing: writing content for businesses, managing websites, and educating business owners on how they can use their websites for marketing online. Previously, I worked at the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Supportive Services Center at Cheyney University managing marketing and providing administrative support for the program. Recently, I founded Composed Media, a firm designed to provide advice and strategies your business needs to attract new customers online.

The ITEM: What has been your experience in tech?

AJ: My experience in tech has largely been with one employer with a national reach and a number of online marketing and advertising products, so I was able to speak to end user customers and colleagues from different parts of the country on a number of issues related to technology and basic website development. I found that most people had a limited understanding of how websites work with search engines. I also experienced or witnessed job loss to off-shore counterparts in the areas of content writing, graphic design, IT, search engine advertising and SEO. Recent reports show the employers are increasingly sending these good paying tech jobs overseas. Read this article.

The ITEM: What challenges have you encountered in your career?

AJ: Trying to immerse yourself in your work is difficult when you also have to stay on top of trends, innovations, and changes. You also need to be out networking in order to meet people who are trending, innovating and changing the game.

The ITEM: What advice can you give to people who wants to land a job in tech industry?

AJ: DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE! The job landscape in technology is not the way the media portrays. The industry is “click-ish” and the best way to get a job in the tech industry is about who you know, the relationships you develop with others in the same avenue of the work you are seeking. The 2nd best way is to build a high profile for yourself where your professional reputation is your introduction to others.




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