How Do I Remember Everything?

Tara H
5 min readMar 7, 2023

“You read so much, how do you remember all of it?” Easy. I don’t. Nor do I expect myself to. And neither should you.”

This is a quote I tweeted from this article about reading more books by Mark Manson and it really rang true for me and how I approach learning.

I don’t try to remember everything that would be kind of pointless because there’s no way I can recall that much information from that many books off the top of my head. But if you ask me specific questions then I will be able to give answers based on what I’ve been reading.

Recalling for Quizzes

Harry Potter

So I cannot off the top of my head tell you every one of the top 200 characters mentioned in the Harry Potter series, but give me 18 minutes and Sporcle and I’ll get around 170 of them. How? By associations and asking myself those specific questions.

Start out by going for the obvious:

  • Harry Potter
  • All of the Weasley family
  • Hermione Granger
  • The four Hogwarts Houses (since they’re named after people)

After you get those we’re at 21, if you use last names so you get James and Lily, Aunt Muriel, James Sirius, Albus Severus, and Fleur. Then ask yourself who…

