Initial Thoughts on LYT and restructuring my Obsidian Vault

Tara H
5 min readApr 25, 2023

Original Structure of my vault

This was everything in folders; “BuJo”, “computers”, “being a person” etc. were all distinct and they didn’t really have notes that linked together.

I would use tags for status rather than as something to be searched by — #wip, #complete, #editsneeded etc.

And… it was a mess. I could find notes but not as easily as I’d like. Everything required so many clicks to find that it was clunky, and the search bar wasn’t that helpful for me.

JD System

I then adapted the Johnny Decimal system for my own use, structuring media under that in my Digital Garden folder and fully adopting it on my computer itself.

I found this works for me for that since I had so many subfolders of books. Now I know that 11 is Queer Theory, and 21 is Fantasy and can navigate to those and send files to those so easily.

And on my computer itself, it works really well and I’ve continued to keep the system going there. I can find everything so quickly and with little to no effort on my part.

At this time I also built into my habits and weekly tasks a “review” period of half an hour each week where I find any files that haven’t been sorted, or that…

