Why Capacities may be the Note Taking app for you

Tara H
5 min readJul 9, 2024

Note taking (or if you prefer, like I do, note making) and PKM are so important in any aspect of life. If you’ve never used that term before, or don’t really understand it then simply put it just means taking care of what knowledge you’re gaining. Where do you store new things you learn? How do you do this? What techniques are you using to make sure you can recall information well?

And having a good set up to do this is key. If you do better with pen & paper and that system has worked for you from day 1 then there’s no sense in changing it. But, if you want a digital space that you can access via your phone where you can take as many notes as you want and not have to worry about physical storage limits then modern note-taking software is the answer.

I have been at my new job for around a month now, and have been taking notes for what I am learning through Capacities — definitions, organisations, best practices for email, scripts for calls etc. This is my own personal space to look and reflect and learn. Anything interesting or useful goes in there and I can quickly reference it when I need to.

Other creators like Beth have taken on challenges like “12 centuries in 12 months” utilising PKM/note-taking software and it’s been so interesting to see how apps like Obsidian, Notion and Capacities can be used for so…

