Bi-Weekly Community Recap #18 (Apr 16–May 2): THORChain


This article covers:

  1. Notable Gitlab Issues
  2. Most Asked Questions
  3. Feedbacks & Suggestions
  4. Notable Work
  5. Ecosystem Updates
  6. Weekly Dev Discord Updates

TLDR (15-Points)

  1. Voting on Adding $ATOM chain is live.
  2. Liquidity in THORChain continues to grow despite market conditions.
  3. Discussions on diversifying cloud providers.
  4. Impressive tweet threads from Chad Thoreau, Wolf of DeFi, THORChain Bull, HeyImTheNewGuy and others.
  5. GrassRoots Crypto shares a video on “THORChain Mainnet: What to Expect!”
  6. THORSwap turned on 0.3% affiliate fee and launched $vTHOR staking with it. They also pushed Monthly Recap and Roadmap Update.
  7. THORSwap Aggregator and vTHOR are audited by Halborn Security and Peckshield
  8. Pangolin integrates XDEFI Wallet. Also, $XDEFI token got listed on Kucoin.
  9. Rango Exchange did a major UI update. Also, $RANGO IDO got postponed.
  10. Rango integrated Desmos Network and Optimism.
  11. THORWallet wins the Startup WorldCup Dubai. Also shared Weekly Dev Updates.
  12. ASGARDEX now supports Terra connection using Ledger.
  13. Brokkr Finance lauches bonding with $BRO and BRO/UST LP tokens.
  14. Ferz Wallet removes affiliate fee. There is no extra fee charged for swapping using Ferz Wallet.
  15. SKIPSwap interface came back online.

⚡Notable Gitlab Issues

Video Walkthrough:

  • Discussions on Diversifying Cloud Providers:
  • Voting on adding ATOM chain:

⚡General Questions About:

Q. What are the benefits of minting Synths?

A. In simple words: Cheaper fees and Faster transactions.

Q. When MainNet?

A. There is no date yet. But you can watch this video to know what to expect from MainNet:

⚡Feedbacks & Suggestions

  • Phrase the affiliate fee feature in a way which attracts the interfaces.

⚡Notable Work

⚡Ecosystem Updates

1. THORSwap



4. THORWallet




8. LendScape

9. SKIPSwap



⚡Weekly Dev Discord Updates

TRX1’s Weekly Dev Update (11.04.2022–17.04.2022)

THORChain Monitoring bot
• Set up THORNode (fullnode) as a reliable data source. By now it is still syncing
• Added block time to the “Metrics” menu
• Fixed chain height tracker errors
• Fixed behavior of the “Back” button in the “Metrics” menu
• Improving code reliability and fault tolerance
• Network visualization utils (work in progress)

Next week:
• Test and deploy THORNode connection
• NodeOp tools upgrade on the production server
• Metrics menu: circulating supply

THORChain Dev Update (1 Apr — 24 Apr)

- THORNames (TNS) released into Stagenet,
- Kills Switch Update and resources,
- THORFI resources and code released,
- Security Improvements,
- Network and Community Updates

TRX1’s Weekly Dev Update (18.04.2022–24.04.2022)

THORChain Monitoring bot
• Added Rune supply information to the Metrics menu
• Added new commands /supply, /voting and /pools for quick access
• Code profiling by execution time to find bottlenecks
• Bugfix in Price divergence tracker
• Code refactoring
• Deployed all the latest updates to the live server
• WIP: Node visualization tools

TRX1’s Weekly Dev Update (25.04.2022–01.05.2022)

THORChain Monitoring bot
— Finally acquired an elevated developer account
— Started making the first prototypes of the Twitter bot
• NodeOp tools:
— Web settings panel: general alerts settings
— Testing general alerts for Slack
• For new Mimirs, the source is now correctly displayed
• Fixing other minor bugs
• WIP: Node visualization tools

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