So what is DefiSpot and what are they doing that is so cool?


DefiSpot is a user interface for cross-chain crypto swaps without a centralized third-party. It taps liquidity pools on the fully decentralized, KYC-free, THORChain protocol, to allow users to exchange blockchain assets in a permissionless manner. Big deal you might say, THORChain already has multiple UI’s that can do this. True, however, DefiSpot stands out for a number of important reasons. Let’s discuss.

What makes DefiSpot first of its kind is the user experience. It’s the clean, streamlined graphic design that is immediately familiar. It truly is the first DEX disguised as a CEX. A decentralised version of Coinbase.

It’s the fact that there is no token bias by design. This is important, The design is neutral, and intentionally avoids branding itself with any THORChain regalia. That said, there is a nod given to the XDEFI wallet, as it rests at the top of the “Connect wallet” options list.

It’s Defi, but doesn’t feel foreign, or fringe. It’s comfortable, navigable — even simple, if such a word can be used to describe anything about Defi.

Don’t be fooled, this won’t be a dumbed down swap-only interface, limited in its offerings just for crypto noobs. On the contrary, DefiSpot has quite the ambitious product suite planned: synthetic assets, compound assets, cross-chain lending, a fiat on-ramp, the DefiSpot wallet, the $SPOT token, and more.

This robust financial versatility, paired with the previously discussed ease-of-use factor, will put DefiSpot squarely on the map — to everywhere in the world of crypto.

DefiSpot utilizes one of the most forward-looking technologies in the world today (cross-chain DeFi), it upholds a core tenet of the crypto market ethos (control your keys), and your Mom could use it. It’s that powerful. It’s that simple.

Get ready to close all your CEX accounts in 2022.

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