THORChain Monthly Stats- March

THORNOOB - Learn About THORChain
3 min readApr 11, 2022


THORChain Monthly Stats Covering:

  1. Total Value Locked (TVL)
  2. Total Liquidity in Pools
  3. $BTC, $ETH and deepest Stablecoin stats
  4. Monthly Active Users
  5. Total Swaps & Unique Swappers
  6. Total ILP Paid
  7. Active & Standby Node stats
  8. Deterministic $RUNE price

💹 means “increase”
🔻means “decrease”

1 ) Total Value Locked (TVL)

TVL in THORChain faced a big spike.
💹 by 124% this month. Sitting at $1.06 Billion at the moment.

2) Total Liquidity in Pools

Total Liquidity in all pools is ~460 million dollars.
With this, THORChain DeFi TVL Rank has reached spot 68 (as per @DefiLlama). An 💹 of 53 spots this month.

3) $BTC, $ETH and deepest Stablecoin stats

$BTC liquidity went up by 450 coins. An 💹 of 64%.
Liquidity Providers 💹 by 1331(52%).

$ETH liquidity went up by 4539 coins. An💹 of 52%.
Liquidity Providers 💹 by 475(32%).

BEP2-BUSD remains the largest stablecoin pool. Liquidity 💹by ~$14 million $BUSD(125%).
Liquidity Providers 💹 by 409(27%).

4) Monthly Active Users

Monthly Active Users were 24752. An 💹 of 289%.

5) Total Swaps & Unique Swappers

Total Swaps increased by ~367K. An 💹 of 24%.

Unique Swappers increased by 20422. An 💹 of 36%.

6) Total ILP Paid

14620 $RUNE was paid as Impermanent Loss Protection in February month.
A 7% 💹 in total figure.

7. Active & Standby Node stats

Active Nodes increased to 102. An 💹 of 7 nodes.
Total bond raised by ~22.5 million RUNE. A 46% 💹.
Average of 698462 $RUNE (~$5.7 million each).

Standby Nodes increased to 24. An 💹 of 1 node.
Total bond increased by ~741K RUNE. A 127% 💹.
Average of 55,167 $RUNE (~$450K each).

8) Deterministic $RUNE price

Deterministic RUNE price is $2.19. An 💹 of 113% in a month.

Speculative multiplier is x3.74 at the moment.

In summary,
All Network stats has been a significant positive uptrend in the March month. With uptrend in TVL and Monthly Active Users being the most impressive.

Hoping for an even better performance in the April month! 🙌

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