5 Bold Predictions for Social Entrepreneurship in 2015 · The THX Co.

Today, lots of companies are Doing Good. In 2015, look for companies to start Doing Good, Better.

The THX Co.
Not Just For Profit


By: The THX Co.

(Midtown, Miami)

Social enterprises have proven their ability to promote social causes in competitive and marketable ways through innovative approaches to business and development. One thing is for sure, the movement is here to stay.

Here are our 5 predictions for Social Entrepreneurship in 2015.

  1. The Year of Transparency

Where are my favorite products sourced? How much do they really cost? How much does my purchase actually give back? Where is that money going?
More now than ever, consumers are demanding answers to these questions. From the hands that craft our products to the people that benefit from our purchases, we want to be in constant contact with the story behind the goods.

In 2015, consumers want to know more about the process so they can better trust the outcome.

2) Not Just For Profit (NJFP)

All over the world, emerging social enterprises are redefining what makes a successful business. Governments, including the United States, are beginning to take note, too. In America, more states are officially recognizing the status of benefit corporations — with Arizona, Minnesota and New Hampshire becoming the first of 2015. Competition breeds innovation, and that’s a good thing for the future of social entrepreneurship.

In 2015, look for the intersection of passion, purpose and profitability as “not just for profit” companies seek to improve upon existing Giving Models, for good.

3) Conversations That Matter

Spark Conversations That Matter.

Ask your resident marketing guru, and they’ll surely say uniquely curated content is king. The goal is to meet people where they’re at with authentic content about genuine issues in real time, sparking conversations that matter.

In 2015, it’s all about the relationship of Content + Purpose (in Context).

4) Measurable Impact

Probably the most elusive social enterprise term of them all: Impact. How companies measure, evaluate, and prove the results of their social missions over time will be what matters most when evaluating their effectiveness.

In 2015, the formula for success will be Impact with credible evidence.

5) Authentic Giving

Give to Give.

Lots of companies do good, but the ways they give back are often times not clear. One question so often remains: “How much am I truly giving?” Giving back should not be a luxury. It shouldn’t be a secret, either.

In 2015, look for companies to start Doing Good, Better — making giving the end goal, not merely a marketing campaign.

January 5, 2015.


*The THX Co. is a Miami-based “Not Just For Profit” social enterprise committed to Doing Good, Better through the sale of uniquely inspired global products, sold at radically transparent prices, with 100% of profits invested into non-profit initiatives that matter most to you.

Originally published at storify.com.



The THX Co.
Not Just For Profit

Everyday products supporting everyday causes. Sign up for our next big move: www.thx.co