Yesterday Is a History, Tomorrow Is a Mystery and Today Is a Gift!

Live in the present!

Pubudu Kodikara
5 min readApr 19, 2014

If you need to become extremely productive, if you need to spend a perfect life, if you need to be able to reach your goals without any issues, if you really need to make tour life a big success then you should put the things I’m going to say today into your thick skull! The title I used is a verse taken from the film Kungfu Panda. This is a very old saying used by our ancients! It have a very deep meaning which can help you to change your whole life!

The big problem…

Most of us spend a lot of time thinking about our past and the future. We keep recalling the past, we keep planning for the future. But does we give much time for our present? The simple answer is NO! What we do now becomes the past… Our future reach us and become the present. But we doesn’t give much time for the present!!! Its the most important part in time!

Yesterday is a History…

We spend a lot of time thinking about our past. We are worried about our past mistakes. We are delighted and keep recalling our past achievements. But what you don’t know is, the past the past… You can’t change it… Its gone… Over… Won’t come again!!! So, there’s no point to spend so much time thinking about it!

We should learn from the past… Not bring it to the present…

Don’t bring the whole past to the present. Learn from your past mistakes… Don’t do the same mistake again! Forget about the past doesn’t mean you can commit a crime and then forget about it. You have to pay for what you did either by law, or by nature or by your own conscious! So, don’t do anything that haunt you for your life! Learn from those mistakes. Never do them again. Learn from the past achievements. Remember how you got them. Apply those theories to your present work. But, you should not keep recalling these things. Just load the necessary information only when you need it. A computer program always try to load only the specific set of data it need to do that specific work. If not, it will be a waste of resources! Just like in computers, we also waste our time and energy by thinking about unnecessary stuff! Trust me, thinking will drain a very large part of your energy. Most of you might have already experienced this! Some might even get depressed by thinking about their past… It’s a serious problem!

Tomorrow is a Mystery!

Unless some crazy genius build a time machine, you have no way of learning what will happen in the future. There are ways to look to the future through meditation (Remember this… Our mind do time travelling everyday and we don’t know about it!) But I don’t think you and I have such a power. You don’t know what will happen in the future. No one can tell that he can’t die in the next second. No one can do it. The world is highly unpredictable. So, how on earth can we plan for our future? Now please do not misunderstand me… It’s OK to set goals in your life. But extensive planning is not good! Once I had a friend who had some big goals. He told me that by 2015 (I can’t remember the exact year), he is planning to lead the world’s greatest IT company and earn big time. He even gave an approximate amount of US dollars he want to earn. Is he nuts??? How can we plan like that? For him, its one thing he always follow. If he doesn’t reach this goal, he might even have a heart attack! At that time, he was unable to even reach short goals that he set. He wanted to run some start-ups but failed!

Today is a Gift! That’s why it’s called the Present!

No matter what happened in the past, no matter what’s there in store for you in the future, now you are in the present! No one have invented a time machine yet so you have to live in the present! If you always think about the past while living in the present, then you are a broken fool. If you always think about the future while living in the present, then you are just a dreamer.

You have to live in the present. That’s the key for your success. You won’t have a future if you doesn’t do the right thing in the present. You won’t have a past that you can smile on if you doesn’t do the right thing now. Your whole life will be shaped according to what you do now. It’s the root of everything. But many people forget this root. Its like trying to get on to the 100th step in the staircase without getting on to the first one. Its impossible!

What should we do?

Yesterday is a History, Tomorrow is a Mystery and Today is a Gift! Thats why its called Present!

Learn from the past…

Learn from your past. When ever you are doing the same thing again, use the past experience to do it better this time. Never do the same mistake twice! But do not waste your time thinking (recalling) the past!

Set goals for the future…

Not having a proper goal is dumb. Its like just walking on the road without having a destination. You need to set some basic goals. But not crazy one like “I’m going to have a 2 million dollar salary by the end of 2016!” That’s completely insane! People will think you are a fool!

Do what you have to do correctly and in the right way now…

Think what you have to do now and complete those tasks. Do not waste time planning for tomorrow or for next hour. Do it now. Sometimes, you might finish the work you are supposed to do tomorrow and get a vacation! If you move on like this with your goal in your head, you will definitely WIN! If you keep planning for the future and keep thinking about the past, you won’t achieve anything! You will FAIL! I hope you understood my post. Hope it will make you more productive! If you want more productivity tips like this, please stay in touch!

-Top image Source : ToniVC



Pubudu Kodikara

Im a Blogger, Web Developer, Designer, and an inventor :)