50 critical questions to the blockchain and cryptocurrency trend

Tizian Kronsbein
3 min readMar 2, 2018

🇩🇪 German Version

No matter where you are listening, everyone is talking about blockchain, cryptocurrencies and ICOs. Everyone has now consulting services and everyone is a self-proclaimed expert. Basically, the topic is fed with a lot of euphoria. But I have some questions …

To the technology

1. Why do we need a blockchain at all?

2. Is decentralization really good?

3. Is centralization really bad?

4. What is more dangerous?

5. How much does a transaction really cost?

6. Why is it so hard to create a wallet?

7. Why is it so hard to develop good applications on the Blockchain?

8. Is it okay if a transaction costs more than people in third world countries have to live on a daily basis?

9. Is the blockchain from a civil-rights perspective acceptable at all?

To Bitcoin and Co.

10. Who is really behind the Blockchain and Bitcoin?

11. Does Satoshi still have his private key?

12. Could it be that Bitcoin is a prototype of central banks?

13. What happens if we only have digital currencies?

14. Why do I need a new wallet for each new currency?

15. Why does everyone want to do an ICO?

16. Why is that called ICO at all?

17. Do you want to imply a value with ICO like with IPOs?

18. How many people have lost their belongings in the price correction?

19. Can the course be influenced by fake news?

20. Who has the necessary power?

21. Who has the capital to benefit massively?

22. If Bitcoin trades on the stock market, doesn’t it not fail its purpose?

23. Where is the bitcoin price at the end of the year?

To the blockchain startups and community

24. Why is there only euphoric talk about blockchain at meet-ups?

25. Do Blockchain Startups also have a Corporate Social Resposibility?

26. What would Milton Friedman say to this?

27. Why is everyone giving seminars on Blockchain?

28. Do all Blockchain experts have cryptocurrencies?

To politics and society

29. What does privacy, transparency, anonymity mean?

30. How does a truly decentralized society look like?

31. How do you explain Blockchain to a 9-year-old?

32. How do teachers explain Blockchain to their students if they can not even explain MS Office properly?

33. Whose fault is this?

34. Does Mrs. Merkel know how a blockchain works?

35. Does Trump think it’s gonna be huuuge?

36. Will we get an eGovernment prototype before we have full-coverage broadband Internet in Germany?

37. If centralization were gone, how many jobs would it destroy?

Questions to which nobody has an answer:

38. What are crypto-kitties?

39. Do children want to have Crypto Dogs for Christmas soon?

40. How do Tamagotchis feel about that?

41. Why should I trust cryptography if I do not understand it?

42. Who is really guilty if the system collapses?

43. If all of this is fraud, who is responsible if it is decentralized?

44. What does (German) Rap Music have to do with cryptocurrencies (Kool Savas, Sido, Kollegah, 50Cent)?

45. Does the blockchain threaten our freedom?

46. ​​Is the blockchain really as big of a thing as the internet?

47. How much influence do China and Russia have?

48. Why are graphic cards suddenly so expensive?

49. Is the bananacoin really organic?

50. Is Jan Böhmermann angry because I got inspired by his 100 questions?

Okay, the last one was a bit of a German inside joke maybe and of course these questions should mainly provoke us to think a bit more differentiated about the trend.

#QOTD: Do you think the mood for Blockchain is too euphoric?

Please leave a comment with your thoughts and ideas.
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Tizian Kronsbein

🎯Data Strategist & Founder @dlighted_de, Enthusiast and passionate about Tech & Borussia Dortmund