Take Control of One’s Health

Tiat Leong Ang (Dr)
4 min readDec 17, 2023


My grandfather died due to lung cancer. An uncle, my mother’s eldest brother, passed away due to nose cancer. Yet another aunt passed on also due to nose cancer. Hence, I had thought of becoming a doctor when I was young. If I had chosen it, the mission would be to become a doctor who saves the world from cancer. But I spent too much time enjoying life as a teenager, at the expense of grades, and became an engineer instead. Regrets, there certainly are, but life has to move on.

My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2015. It was classified as late stage as it had spread to the bone. But I was no medical doctor, and hence I was more open. Open to healing and health from alternative pathways — I am open to trying and not hung up about “evidence-based” medicine brandished by many Western-trained doctors who till today, still cast doubts on Chinese medicine/ herbal medicine/ alternative health remedies.

Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”.

The first supplement that I was introduced to ironically was by a doctor. I tend to fall sick easily in my 20s. Instead of prescribing antibiotics to me, he would prescribe Barley Green to me. Dr. Hagiwara’s BarleyGreen is a dietary supplement made from the powdered juice of organic young barley grass. BarleyGreen is known for its potential health benefits due to its rich content of essential nutrients and phytochemicals.

Image from Benchmark Lifestyle (https://bmlsociety.com/supplements/barleygreen)

Subsequently, I was introduced to Noni Juice in the year 2000, when a network marketing company, Morinda, opened its office in Singapore. Morinda Tahitian Noni Juice originates from the noni fruit, primarily found in Tahiti and other parts of the South Pacific. The noni fruit, known scientifically as Morinda citrifolia, has been a staple in Polynesian cultures for centuries, valued for its nutritional and potential medicinal properties. Morinda Tahitian Noni Juice is produced by fermenting and processing the fruit to extract its juice. I read how it has helped with some health challenges and how the product boosted immune system function, increased energy levels, and improved overall wellness. These benefits are often attributed to the juice’s high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals.

Thus when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, this was the first product that came to my mind, to help my dad improve his immune system (note that I am not making any medical claims here, just documenting a journey of discovery).

Partner.co’s Tahitian Noni Juice

In 2016, I came to know about Origins Point or YuanShiDian from a Taiwanese friend. This was a massage technique taught by Dr. Chang Chao-Han to help strengthen one’s immune system and also to manage pain. He created this technique to help his wife manage her pain due to her cancer in 2003. Since his wife's passing in 2004, he has devoted his life to helping more patients and refining the techniques and teachings. My friend brought me to the centre in Singapore and I started learning the techniques as well. It has been 8 years and I still massage my dad every day and my dad continues to take noni juice.

Techniques and locations to massage the back (Photo credit: http://book.cch-yuanshidian.com/html/124.html)

The main point of my article is that we should have an open mind. Do not be close-minded. “The saddest thing about “know-it-alls” and/or “closed-minded people” is not their ignorance, but that they are basically admitting they have maximised their potential. These people are the antithesis of the expert or master, who as a direct result of their knowledge knows they do not know everything, so strives to learn more.” ― Frank D. Prestia

When faced with a challenge, do we just stop there or do we look for possible solutions? Indeed, God gave us a marvellous body and an astute mind to search for solutions. Make full use of it!




Tiat Leong Ang (Dr)

Co-founder of Dental Aesthetics Social & Le Blueprint Newsletter, Writer, AI Innovator, Digital Transformer, Nature Lover, Globetrotter, Business Coach, Creator