A Sustainable Vision For A Productive Future Green Energy and Ethereum Blockchain

TLS Group
7 min readFeb 18, 2020


Few industries impact global economic livelihood, societal functioning, and quality of life as significantly as the energy industry. Few industries face as many challenges. A number of daunting factors are again leading many inside and outside the energy industry to embrace renewable energy as a solution — or, perhaps, more accurately — a critical piece of the solution. Renewable energy sources are making inroads in our national energy mix, and that progressis likely to continue. It’s not a matter of whether the renewable energy market will grow, it’s how fast and by how much.

This is exactly the kind of achievement we should be proud of. The difference that they bring to many families and businesses around the world is incredible.

At the same time, we have to admit that big companies and state structures earn money in the energy business, the rest of the segment is left out. Some communities have struggled to keep up with the changes in the global economy and as a result, have not experienced the same prosperity that growth has brought. It is not enough for us to see growth in the national economy when the local economy is struggling with it. It is simply not enough to have record job growth unless those jobs are safe and provide real wage growth. According to the Renewable Energy Act EEG 2017, the government buys the electricity generated from Green Energy companies in the EU, so one of us first actions will be to deploy energy complexes where electricity is clean, reliable, affordable and accessible to all. While maintaining our focus on excellent product offerings, we remain committed to our vision of a democratized energy system.

Our equipment operates in parallel with the existing energy system infrastructure, providing greater control and ownership for both consumers and manufacturers. Understanding our business model enables ordinary consumers and energy companies to benefit from and contribute to a clean and affordable energy system.

This plan is a vital step in realizing this vision. It is not a set of announcements, but a new approach to how government and business together form a stronger, more equitable economy. It is based on my belief in a strong and strategic state that intervenes decisively wherever it can make a difference. It is based on the belief that a successful free-market economy is strongly supported by three pillars: the qualification of the workforce, the quality of infrastructure, and the quality of the economy a fair and predictable business environment.

We have some strengths upon which we can build, and some weaknesses we need to address. Our game at home needs improving to shine on the world stage. This can be done if we seize the opportunities of the years ahead — and it is essential if people are to enjoy prosperous lives with fulfilling work and use high-quality services. At the same time, the world is changing in fundamental ways.Technological innovations are transforming how we live and work.

The way we generate and use energy is also changing rapidly. The European Renewable Strategy depicts how we are building an infrastructure for the future, along with how we will help people and businesses create better, higher-paying jobs in every corner of this world. We will invest in the development of the Green Energy and infrastructure of the future. This will ensure that our world and its citizens can accept and take advantage of the opportunity for technological change.

As for today two industrial technologies of converting sun’s rays into energy are generally applied:

  • Photovoltaics allows receiving only energy under irradiation of semiconductor panels (photovoltaic — PV)
  • Converting thermal energy of concentrated sun’s rays into electrical and thermal energy (concentrated solar power — CSP)
Left PV — Right CSP

On the one hand, electric power stations constructed based on the PV technology tend to reduce in cost calculated using the cost of one established kW of electric power taking into account simplicity of installation, however, on the other hand, they have low-efficiency factor (up to 20%) which besides worsens every operation year (because of burning out cells), big losses due to heating of panels, the operation service life (budgetary models serve up to 10 years), they are unsuitable for repair. The panel composition contains harmful substances (heavy metals, etc.) that lead to the need for additional financial costs for the disposal of “electronic waste” and an increase in the cost of power generation during the whole service life. It is necessary to increase the number of new installations to maintain productivity. Existing CSP solutions do not contain servo motor systems that are capable of following the sun and obtaining the maximum possible efficiency factor in solar heat concentration.

Nowadays green energy companies:

  • Burn biomass.
  • Build very expensive CSP stations (in southern regions).
  • Use geothermal sources.
    But all these solutions are more like expensive patching holes.

Our Solution and Operation Principle

The basis of the CSP installation is a solar concentrator (the parabolic mirror) with a tandem of the Stirling engine and asynchronous generator. CSP system at the Stirling parity level The actual area occupied by CSP stations with a total nominal capacity of 8 Mw/H is 1.8 Ha. Typical unit installation for 25 kW with the mirror area of about 92 sq.m. will require 4 sq.m. for a foundation. In the enterprise business model, the costs of land expropriation or it’s renting for a solar station are significantly reduced. The aforesaid significantly increases the value offer and efficiency of investment reduces payback time for tens of percent.

Comparison of the CSP station with the established capacity of 20 MW and PV:
1. Quantity of generated electric power within 25 years:
• CSP: 933,450,000 Kw/h electrical +933,450,000 Kw/h thermal
• PV: 652,880,000 Kw/h
• The actual electric power generation is 43% more than PV.
2. Possible service life:
• CSP: up to 40 years
• PV: up 15 years

How it works? Video: Technology Description

What is Blockchain tokenization and how it changes the world? Today’s digital economy is based on tokenization, which is used by billions of people every day. Tokenization is the process of replacing values (such as money, stocks, credit card numbers, medical records) with tokens that reflect these values, making it easier and safer to trade them. This may seem distant, but tokenization has a profound effect on our lives and can transform entire industries.

Paying for goods over the internet would be much riskier if not for tokenization. Credit card privacy is transformed into a digital token, which is useless for hackers but used by banks to complete the payment. Companies issue digital substitutes for stocks and other securities instead of paper carriers because it is safer and more efficient. Although people already use tokens daily (most are unaware of this), the true tokenization potential is only now being unlocked through the influence of a blockbuster. Blockchain allows safe and effective tokenization of a wide range of real assets and businesses, providing new benefits and applications for a variety of industries such as the arts or healthcare.

Blockchain tokenization has created a completely new tool for trading and fundraising — Security Token

The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 lists several examples of securities in action, but the clearest definition comes from the case SEC vs. Howey. An asset counts as a security if it involves: clearest definition comes from the case SEC vs. Howey. An asset counts as a security if it involves: — Consumer investment — In a common enterprise — With the expectation of profit derived primarily from the work of others.

Security tokens offer investors more than trivial speculative utility, but an actual asset with a focus on greater due diligence, equity options and the legal protection that can only be afforded by regulation. As the market matures further with the manifestation of regulated exchanges, custodians and digital security protocols, they provide the meta-model already enjoyed by equity and bond markets.

We expect that asset-backed securities will significantly diminish volatility, filter malicious behavior, provide investors good returns and automate compliance procedures. The expectation is that asset-backed investments will significantly reduce volatility, filter impropriety, provide investor comfort and automate compliance.

We offer a relatively simple and easily scalable solution. We are ready to install stations in all regions that have at least 250 sunny days a year. It is a fairly large list of countries all over the world. Only in Europe they are Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Romania, Spain.

How we make money

Security token with dividend functionality
TLS token is a security token that offers access to a portion of the company’s profits not only from the sale of electricity generated through renewable energy sources but also from the entire infrastructure of the company as a whole. This asset is filled with Etherium through a smart contract. It is the equivalent of preferred stock. Owners of TLS token receive a profit after the launch of Green Energy plant, equal to the share of all TLS tokens on a proportional basis, which they own.

Final words

The TLS Group model is a universal solution that provides companies and individuals with an understanding of our company’s profit structure and dividend distribution mechanism for security token holders.

Direct transactions with the producer of electricity from renewable sources in our person are made through a financial mechanism called TLS Token. This solution allows you to become part of the company and receive a stable income on a proportional basis from the ownership of the asset. Our technology and business model, combined with our platform, allows everyone to profit from green energy generation.

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