0G KV Node

Feb 19, 2024


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Validator Information

  • Moniker: TLanderon
  • Specs: 24 vCPU, 128 GB RAM, 5 TB NVMe, 950 Mb/s bandwidth
  • Install Dependencies and Rust Follow the same steps as for the Storage Node.
  • Download Source Code
git clone -b v1.1.0-testnet https://github.com/0glabs/0g-storage-kv.git
cd 0g-storage-kv
git submodule update --init
cargo build --release
  • Configure Node Copy config_example.toml to config.toml and update parameters:
rpc_listen_address = ""
zgs_node_urls = ""
blockchain_rpc_endpoint = ""
log_contract_address = "0xContractAddress"
log_sync_start_block_number = 0
  • Run the KV Service
cd run ../target/release/zgs_kv --config config.toml
  • Monitoring and Maintenance
  • Check KV node status:
curl -s http://localhost:6789/status
  • View logs:
tail -f logs/kv_node.log

