TMC Innovation at Texas A&M New Ventures Competition 2019!

TMC Innovation
2 min readMay 21, 2019


Lance Black, Albert Huang, and Emily Reiser of TMC Innovation travelled to College Station last week to attend the Texas A&M New Ventures Competition. As a sponsor of the competition, TMC Innovation awarded two prizes, an automatic entry to the accelerator program and an automatic accelerator entry with a $25,000 convertible note.

The A&M New Ventures Competition is open to Texas-based science and engineering startups with less than $2.5M raised or less than $250,000 revenue. Semifinalists are selected through diligence performed by teams at A&M based on technology, IP, and invisibility.

Of the 13 life science companies who were selected as semifinalists, 7 were affiliated with TMC Innovation including: current coworking, current X+, current JLABS@TMC, current Biodesign, X alumni, and Biodesign alumni.

Intelligent Implants — Using wireless electronics to stimulate healing, TMCx07 alumni.
Venostent — Reducing venous access failures. Improving lives. Saving millions, TMCx07 alumni.
Polyvascular —Breaking the cycle of repeat open heart surgeries for children with congenital heart disease, TMCx05 alumni and current TMCx co-working tenant.
Ictero Medical — Safe, definitive treatment for gallstone disease, TMCx07 alumni and current JLABS@TMC tenant.
Vitls — Monitor Vitals 24/7; Grant your patients, nurses, and physicians peace of mind, TMCx05 alumni and current TMCx+ tenant
BioLum — A Window Into The Lung, JLABS@TMC tenant.
Health Note — Streamline Your Patient Information Gathering.

Elevator Pitch Competition

The TMC Innovation prizes were awarded to:
GaitIQ — automatic entry to TMCx10
Ictero Medical — automatic entry to TMCx9 and $25,000 convertible note

Other TMC-affiliated Awardees:
Intelligent Implants — 3rd place ($25,000)
Venostent — 5th place ($15,000), Ramey and Schwaller Prize
GaitIQ— 6th place ($5,000), Schwegman, Lundberg, and Woessener Prize, Hollinden Marketing Prize, Ark Pharmacies Prize
Polyvascular — Elevator Pitch 1st Place ($5,000), GOOSE Investment Prize, Amerra Visualization Services Prize, Biotex Investment Prize
Ictero Medical — Engineering Vice Chancellor’s Innovation Prize, Thomas Horstemeyer Prize

See the full results from TNVC2019.



TMC Innovation

A blog from the Texas Medical Center’s Innovation Institute, where we help health care startups access the world’s largest medical complex.