Why Speed is Important.

Manny Hernandez
3 min readSep 16, 2017

When you are starting off with an idea, project or goal it is easy to get caught up in the small details. We can overthink, over analyze and even end up stopping the endeavor altogether. We become entangled in the net that traps so many creative people; becoming stuck in the never-ending cycle of fine “adjustments”

For the last few months, I’ve been working on multiple projects with the idea of implementing speed in the creative process. Paying close attention to the process; the journey of speed implementation, this is what I learned.

Systems Are Important

The first thing I noticed was in order to move quickly, precisely and efficiently it was important to have better systems in place. I work heavily with different aspects of the music industry; while running my label TMP Records, and by briefly taking the time to put systems in place I began to notice that speed gradually became second nature.
The key is to set up a system that can be applied to multiple types of projects or areas. For example: if you are planning to integrate new software into your workflow, analyze how it would enhance multiple aspects of your current workflow. Once you figure that out, acquire a basic understanding of the new software and begin integrating it into different projects and areas. Soon you will see that speed, precision and execution become part of the recipe.

Learn to say No

Speed certainly requires sacrificing some things. Not only will you have said no to others, you may have to say no to yourself. Take note of what happens when the deadline approaches.

Fear likes to take over.

Our brain tries to second guess our decisions, killing the speed of implementation. Trust your intuition, the idea is to create momentum in order to complete things and move to the next.

Why wait?

Let us say you are working on a project that may require the input of other collaborators. There are two things you can do; wait around for their part to be done or work on other projects. What this enables you to do is to continue getting things out to the 🌎 🌍 🌏

Every project has downtime, use that downtime to your advantage. Many times I’ve caught myself being able to line up multiple projects because I’m leveraging downtime. It has forced me to accept my creative decisions, enabling me to be efficient in decision making and sparking innovation on the fly.

Why the fuss?

Why is speed important? It allows growth, creates experience and keeps your perspective fresh. It removes the “perfection” excuse and allows you to find what you are truly a natural at. It forces you to build systems that allow efficiency, smarter work and teaches you how to deal with ambiguity.


Criticism will come. Maybe things won’t come out as “perfect” as you might think. Yet, perfection is as we put it, subjective.

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Manny Hernandez

Head & Creative Director Of TMP Records LLC. Trovador Music Publishing LLC and Trubador Music Publishing. Mastering Engineer