What’s your favorite smartphone feature?

I love to capture moments in time.

2 min readFeb 1, 2024
An image of a beautiful lake in my country captured with my iPhone 13 Pro.

The one feature that is often built into most smartphones is that you can freeze a moment in time and capture it forever.

It’s a feature that can create so many different angles about life itself that it will fascinate me forever. Since I took my first moment with a classic point-and-shoot camera, the photography has captured my heart slowly and steadily.

I owned a lot of different smartphones but never was caught by its camera.

Everything has changed.

All I can say is: iPhone. To be more clear. The iPhone 5 camera. The device itself came with a new lightning connector and a redesign of its display. Also, the camera system changed. And it was awesome and still is I guess.

Nevertheless, it felt so responsive the first time I took an image with it.

Everything was fun, the design, the software, and me, especially the first time enjoying taking photos on a smartphone.

And slowly my interest in capturing moments of my mundane and chaotic life felt much more fun.

My appreciation for the art of taking images changes so much and I’m so grateful. Most importantly the aesthetic of the device itself was a great experience from the hard to the software. The whole package was balanced.

I wish I had some old images that I took with my iPhone 5. But sadly I don't. But instead, I can create a series of my favorite images that I took during the iPhone season time.

That's another idea for another time.

That’s all for the words.





Here to share my mind about tech.