The Ultimate YOUTube Bucket List: Top 5 YouTubers YOU Should Watch!

Yes. I Literally Just Made This Up, But Hey! You Clicked The Article, Didn’t YOU? Now, Carry On!

T. Nichol
6 min readMar 1, 2022
Photo By David Waschbusch From Pexels

Now, Humans, my favorite social media platform is actually Twitter, but for the purpose of this message, it’s now, YOUTube — FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS MESSAGE.

Did I mention that it’s ONLY for this message? Because Twitter is my husband, while YOUTube is my second husband. . .That my first husband doesn’t know about.

DISCLAMER: I don’t condone cheating — of any sort. And definitely don’t agree with bigamy.

But just play along, okay?

Now, let’s be honest, it’s too many YouTubers, in The YOUTUbe Universe, for me, to simply have one favorite. Because it’s so many different categories of content. I mean, sometimes, I want to indulge in some ASMR; then the next day, I may want to enjoy a vlog; and then next week, I may want to laugh while watching some pranks. So, basically, YOUTube is this smorgasbord of everything that makes us feel connected to the rest of the world. 🌎

So, what I have invented — well, maybe not invented, but who else has specifically thought about their own YouTube Bucket List? 🪣



T. Nichol

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