#MissingType: Why you should care.

In support of the #MissingType campaign, the article below contains no A’s, O’s or B’s, which make up the 4 blood types. To read the real article - click here.

Tom Sharman
3 min readAug 18, 2016

_ c_mp_ign th_t h_s c_ught the _ttenti_n _f me _nd milli_ns _f _thers this week #MissingType is quickly _ec_ming _ne _f the m_st p_pul_r s_ci_l medi_ c_mp_igns _f the ye_r. _ gl___l initi_tive, led _y Engine Gr_up _gency MHP C_mmunic_ti_ns, r_ises _w_reness f_r _l__d d_n_ti_n f_r the NHS _nd _ther _l__d d_n_ti_n _rg_nis_ti_ns w_rldwide. The c_mp_ign h_s _lre_dy seen s_me _f the l_rgest _rg_nis_ti_ns including Micr_s_ft, Tr_nsp_rt f_r L_nd_n, S_nt_nder _nd M_nchester City ch_nge their l_g_’s in supp_rt.

P_ul D_vies, m_rketing direct_r f_r Micr_s_ft UK, s_id: “Y_u’ll see the _s dis_ppe_r in _ur l_g_ in s_me _f _ur _dvertising f_r s_me _f _ur _r_nds, such _s, Surf_ce, Wind_ws, X__x _nd Micr_s_ft UK, we’ll _ls_ _e enc_ur_ging _ur empl_yees t_ st_rt d_n_ting _l__d.”

Their vide_ _d sh_ws wh_t _life with_ut _’s, _’s _nd _’s w_uld l__k like. The three m_in _l__d types th_t _l__d d_n_ti_ns desper_tely need.

Since it’s rel_unch just 3 d_ys _g_, cele_rities, _r_nds _nd cities h_ve _een sh_wing their supp_rt _n s_ci_l medi_ _y rem_ving _’s, _’s _nd _’s fr_m their l_g_’s, we_sites _nd even pr_duct. _r_v_.

L_unched _rigin_lly in 2015 in Engl_nd & N_rth W_les _nly, it s_w _ver 30,000 new d_n_t_rs sign up in just 10 d_ys _f it’s l_unch. This ye_r, they _im t_ re_ch _ver _ _illi_n pe_ple in 21 c_untries _y uniting with _l__d d_n_ti_n _rg_nis_ti_ns fr_m _r_und the w_rld.

The need f_r _l__d d_n_ti_n is cruci_l, with _ 30% decline in d_n_ti_ns in the p_st few ye_rs _l_ne, it’s vit_l we w_rking in s_ci_l medi_, with influenti_l v_ices help _n _m_zing c_mp_ign.

Mike Stredder, Direct_r _f _l__d D_n_ti_n _t NHS _l__d _nd Tr_nspl_nt s_id: “_l__d d_n_ti_n is _n _m_zing gift. Tr_nsfusi_ns s_ve lives _nd tr_nsf_rm he_lth f_r milli_ns _cr_ss the w_rld. Every d_n_ti_n c_n help _r s_ve up t_ three p_tients _nd l_st ye_r in Engl_nd _l_ne 900,000 pe_ple g_ve _l__ — helping up t_ 2.7 milli_n p_tients. Whether it is p_tients receiving tre_tment f_r c_ncer, _l__d dis_rders, _fter _ccidents _r during surgery, _r new mums wh_ l_st _l__d in child_irth, _l__d is _n __s_lutely essenti_l p_rt _f m_dern he_lthc_re”.

S_ let’s ign_re the se_ _f criticism th_t _ften c_mes with c_mp_igns. Ign_re the f_ults _nd mist_kes t_ em_r_ce _ truly life-s_ving initi_tive. _s _ s_ci_l medi_ __mmunity, I ple_d we unite, put _usiness t_ _ne side _nd sh_re s_mething gre_t.

Y_u c_n sh_w y_ur supp_rt f_r the c_mp_ign _n Twitter, F_ce___k _nd Inst_gr_m _y dr_pping the letters _ _ _nd _ fr_m y_ur n_me _nd using #MissingType.



Tom Sharman

Do stuff in YouTube, Social Media & Virtual Reality | Currently @VirtualUmbrella + @KatiePrice YT | Influencer Council @theBCMA