Doperaider: A Game of Economics, Cryptocurrency and Crime

Tron Whale
4 min readAug 16, 2018


Image result for doperaider
Welcome to Doperaider

In case you haven’t heard, the cryptogame Doperaider had what can only be described as a “Flawless” release. Yes, there were a few tiny glitches and a hint of lag, but this fully functional game and the POA blockchain it runs on (with every character action recorded and logged to the chain!) had such a strong and successful launch, it would be a disservice to call it anything besides Flawless. Well developed and working with both Nifty and Trust wallets, the ability to play on desktop or mobile is a huge quality of life feature. You can even play multiple characters at the same time!

Doperaider fits an interesting niche, it is at it’s core, a game where you grow Cannabis, process Cocaine, Raid other players and steal from them… but the economic model is incredibly impressive and requires actual human mental ability to succeed in the game. With real monetary value assigned to everything, your decisions will have a real impact, and can make you real money!

A map of the Doperaider world

There are six districts in Doperaider with different origin locations for the characters, which are known as Narcos. Chinatown, Jamaica Village, Baltimore, Novo Moskovo, Cartagena and Little Italy. There is also Vice Island where prices are high, but you can buy anything on the black market with enough POA. These districts play a huge role in the game economy as the prices of weed and coke fluctuate from district to district. No matter if you are growing and processing, buying and selling or even Raiding your fellow players you will find yourself all over the map.

Blagger: a Narco from Little Italy

In order to play, you will need a character known as a Narco. They vary in price but if you believe in this game (and I do) then it is a pretty good opportunity to make real money playing a video game, with a minimal investment. The Narcos are actual tokens with every move and upgrade recorded to the blockchain, which means these are video game characters you actually own. Already cool and stylish, you can even choose to customize the name and look of your character (for a fee) if you want to stand out. Get to level 150 Respect and you can create a free custom Narco, 100% unique and designed by you!

Blagger: a Narco from Little Italy

The Narcos begin at level 0, or in Doperaider jargon “Respect lvl 0”, but now that the game is live you can even purchase leveled and geared up characters. In addition to leveling your character’s Reputation, you can also enhance their skills with upgrades, like cars or guns or even gardening gloves. All of these upgrades cost POA; most of which goes right back into the economy!

The economic model is impressive, with every purchase and expense feeding back into the game. There are a multitude of details I could go into, but the important part is that this game has been well thought out, and a responsive developer team has balanced this game and made it work.

And by “made it work” I mean they have stabilized their Narconomy to the point where there is nearly always money to be made if you are smart. Some players are making hundreds and even thousands of POA. This obviously fluctuates, and your experience may vary, but especially as the game continues to grow, the economy should only get stronger!

The Narconomy of Doperaider

Personally, I have done the calculations so I know my minimum pricing and shop around for the best sale, but you can play the game however you wish… including stealing dope from other players! True open gameplay with a multitude of playstyles. That is probably what impressed me the most, because if you are good enough at what you do you can make real money.

Now a featured DAPP

Doperaider is still in it’s infancy, but now is the time to get in. If you weren’t here for opening day fret not, there is still money to be made, and still time to be an early adopter. The developers are still hooking the community up with goodies too! Airdrops and contests (like hunting and Raiding one of the developers for POA prizes!) offer a great chance for the players to get rewarded for their early involvement and support.

For the inside scoop, join the Doperaider telegram and Discord channel and dive into the amazing technical details of a game that has limitless potential.

