The Easier Path — Why It Doesn’t Have To Be So Hard

Joshua Robhes
3 min readOct 20, 2016


I went out walking with a friend today to a place neither of us had been to before. Now I will be honest I am not as fit as I used to be and the hills we faced on this particular walk were a challenge to say the least! As we had finished walking uphill for nearly half an hour we were happy to find some level ground… until we saw what came after. Right before us was the steepest incline we had seen yet and it went on for quite a way, we were still recovering from the last part of the ascent which probably didn’t help our view of the path ahead. However, just before the start of the incline there was a sign which could have been placed there just for us.

This sign had an arrow pointing to a different path going left of the incline and the words on the sign said “Easier route (with better views)”.

It would be fair to say that we were both very happy at this point, not only did we get to take a less strenuous route we also got better views! I would call that a win-win for us.

Upon following this easier route it took us up to the top of the hill through some beautiful surroundings where we were greeted by an AMAZING 360 degree panorama of the neighbouring areas.

As we started our decent I realised that this sign really sums up what I do for a living. I am a Life and Business Coach and I realised that what me and my friend had done had not been a cheat, nor had we taken a lazy way (the way we went was actually longer) but we achieved our goal of reaching the top of the hill in a way that was easiest and most beneficial to us. As a Coach this is what I work with clients to find all the time, we are looking for the easiest and most beneficial way for them to achieve their outcome.

Now I could have struggled up the steep hill, hating every minuet of it as I pant for breath and feel the burning in my muscles but I would still have only gotten to the same place. Instead I chose to walk the path which was less steep; I did not get out of breath, I had time to appreciate the scenery and my focus was on where I was and how much I was enjoying myself not how bad I was feeling.

So I guess the moral of this story is that just because something is harder does not mean that it is better. Coaching has taught me and this walk reminded me that you can achieve your aspirations in a way that suits you as there is more than one path to success. Next time you find yourself struggling to get to where you want to be, take the scenic route and if you can’t find it, look for someone who can help you see the signs.



Joshua Robhes

I’m a transformation and projects professional working to help deliver lasting change in organisations.