TRXMarket AMA with Steven Zambron — CEO of VibraVid & Founder of BeatzCoin

10 min readNov 18, 2019


TRXMarket presents a series of AMAs (Ask Me Anything) in our Official Telegram Community(, to build a closer relationship between project and the community. Join us and ask anything you want to know!

The ninth episode of AMA series was with Steven Zambron — CEO of VibraVid & Founder of BeatzCoin.

Host: Hello, Steven! Glad to see you here!

Steven: Hello! Thank you for having me!

Host: So before the AMA, please introduce yourself and your project for our community.

Steven: Sure. My name is Steven Zambron. I’m the founder of BeatzCoin and VibraVid, our p2p social audio and video platform…where everyone can earn!

Host: Nice! Are you ready to start with the AMA community questions?

Steven: Of course!

Host: Good! Let’s start with the first one. How is Vibravid data records secured? Are the contents stored on the server copyrighted? Can I buy the content I want with the Beatz wallet app?

Steven: Excellent questions…

As far as the security of data that is compiled through VibraVid, all transactions are recorded on the Tron blockchain.

Files that are uploaded to the platform via BTFS are also hashed, and the aim is to make this content exclusive to VibraVid users only.

The majority of user data is not passed through the front-end, and we utilize the most secure industry encryption methods.

We have disclaimers and terms of conditions in place, where someone who is uploading content must agree to these terms, and thereby declare that they own the specific content being uploaded.

If this key factor is manipulated or broken, our admins must remove the content from the platform, and possibly notify the user, or suspend their account.

Although we aim for decentralization, rules, laws, and policies must still be followed.

You can pay to stream paid content, and the option to purchase or lease that content will be available in a later release.

Host: Very good! Well done for using BTFS.

Steven: BTFS works quite well for us.

Host: Nice. And now the 2nd question. When the full mobile version is released?

Steven: Our first goal is to optimize the platform. Once that is accomplished, we will continue with specific mobile application developments via Samsung, android, and iOs. I would think this will transpire sometime next year.

Host: The third question is a good one too. Can you mention some of your competitors in blockchain industry and how BeatzCoin is beating them.

Steven: First off, we have several major competitors in the non-blockchain industry, which is our first target. We simply aim to offer a better model than platforms such as youtube, spotify, soundcloud, etc. This project was built with the content creator in mind, as well as the user.

Surely there is room to allow for creators to receive a fair share for their work, and also for users to share in ad revenue, etc. As for our blockchain competitors, there are many projects who have only a whitepaper or idea. Some of the notable projects are musicoin, mediachain, voice, bitsong, and many others. Many of these ‘competitors’ have had ample funding, and are yet to figure out how to create a solid community, userbase, and working platform. We seem to be excelling in all areas, and will continue to do so.

Host: I see a great for Beatzcoin platform. That will be a great move for the decentralized world when you compete with the worldwide platform such as youtube.

Steven: Things certainly take time. Patience is required. We are a young project with huge aspirations.

Host: Best wishes. Now the 4th question is interesting. Will VibraVid be like Youtube, making money from Ads? or only limited interaction between content owners (sellers) and Content Connoisseurs (buyers)? if only so what are the advantages of VibraVid? because I’m sure most of the content lovers are they just want to enjoy without having to pay a fee and if possible they benefit from it.

Steven: In most cases, any ‘free’ service is overwhelmed by ad revenue, or simply put…illegal. Our project has a duty to uphold local laws and regulations, while still being more appealing then some of the heavy-weight platforms that rule the space today.

Ad-integration is something that will take place a little later but the idea here is that, unlike most popular models, we will be sharing that ad-revenue with ANY content creator, as well as the user who is listening/watching the content.

As an added bonus, VibraVid utilizes a bounty system. As we all know, marketing is one of the heftier budgets for all businesses or entities that look to get their brand or product discovered and adopted.

With VibraVid, an uploader can simply place a bounty on their audio or video content, and instantly drive people to this content.

This is not only revolutionary in that regard but we are working closely with companies of all sorts that can find realistic engagement on VibraVid!

Unlike an ordinary advertisement or commercial, the viewer is compensated for viewing, and the bounty is only distributed if that user watches the entire video, uninterrupted.

How many ads are skipped by viewers? How much money are those companies paying for these ads to be skipped? Those are some questions we should consider.

Host: Wow how time flies! Now I will ask you the last question. How does BeatzCoin evaluate the importance of the user community? In the near future, does BeatzCoin have any special plans to attract and expand the community?

Steven: Without our community, and without increasing the number of users in our community, BeatzCoin and VibraVid has no room to succeed. What we have learned is that people love a project that empowers everyone. This is the primary goal of VibraVid! We will continue to utilize our forward-thinking ideas of decentralization and proper sharing of revenue, while working with independent artist and even major players. Most already see the vision…we are now fulfilling it.

Host: Nice! It was nice to see you here Steven!

Steven: Thank-you! It is my pleasure! I look forward to working with TRXMarket more closely!

Host: Now i will let the community members to ask you if you dont’ mind.

User: Community support is one of the biggest aspects for the success of a project. On the other hand a bulk majority of any crypto community’s key focus is on the price of the token.

When prices rise, community rejoice and grows, when fall, many people start throwing negativity. How is BeatzCoin going to address the issue of negativity when prices fall?

What are your plans to strengthen and grow the community to persuade more individuals to look at the product rather than just the price?

Steven: That’s exactly it. The project does not control the price. Unfortunately, many people do not follow enough or do their own research, or have patience. We released a basic model of our platform, and many are impatient with the next update to be released. Things take time. When the new release is out, and we provide some new news, I’m confident that many will be restored in their own confidence in the project.

User: What is the biggest difference in Beatzcoin that I can hardly find in similar Blockchain projects?

Steven: We have a working platform, and a great eco-system model that benefits both content creators, as well as the users.

User: What role do you think BeatzCoin will play in creating a highly adaptable blockchain in the global stage?

Steven: With the addition of Changelly, users of most any popular cryptocurrency will be able to enjoy the benefits of using

User: As Blockchain-Based Financial Technology for emerging markets, please what markets are you focusing on at this time?

Steven: Finance and Entertainment.

User: What are the biggest challenges you expect to face and how do you plan to overcome these challenges?With YouTube being so popular nowadays, can you develop it according to your own roadmap or merge?

Steven: Great question. One challenge is PR and instilling patience in the community. We have a huge undertaking here. We now have over 2000 registered users, and are not promoting the platform until the new release is LIVE. With that will come growth.

User: You have a specific reason to mention Samsung here Steve?

Steven: We are already on the case, and our devs are getting familiar with Samsung development.

User: Will you allow users to view/listen to content without signing up to VV?

Steven: One of our next integrations will include and tronlink access to VV.

User: Are you planning to do another IEO round?

Steven: Not necessarily. We are currently finalizing a new pitch-deck, aimed at Venture Capitalists and other sorts of funding.

User: 1 What’s the Algorithms which are used by Beatzcoin for fast and scalable transactions ? 2.There are already many Projects which works on scalability with Both Layer-1 and Layer-2 solution ! So, why Beatzcoin would be Best choice ?

Steven: BeatzCoin is a trc10 token with a precission of 6 decimal places. We utilize the Tron network, which is based on DPoS. Our micro-payments are near instant, very scalable, and high throughput.

User: How many partners at BEATZCOIN ? They have trusted BEATZCOIN technology and what benefits these partners bring to BEATZCOIN and vice versa?

Steven: Changelly, Bidali Gift Cards, Ellipal wallet, to name a few. Each have a strategic role to bring liquidity and support.

User: I am an investor who only cares about price. How do you convince me to invest in Beatzcoin?

Steven: Read our whitepaper. See our product. See if we deliver. Make a choice.

User: Why does the project choose to be named BeatzCoin? Does nod have deep thought or a story behind it?

Steven: The project was originally aimed at music only. Spelling Beats with a ‘Z’ is a common practice in the underground music industry. When video became an idea of integration, BeatzCoin was already created. We added the suggestion of sound (vibration) and video (vid)… VibraVid.

User: Mr. STEVEN, John McAfee has been supporting Beatzcoin for a long time. How do you evaluate this support? He respects and trusts your project. How was BTFS Mainnet created? Are you planning to go for a different Mainnet change in the future?

Steven: John has been a great advisor for the project. He believes in what we are doing. BTFS is working very well, and we have no plans to move away from that at this time.

User: Security is considered a very important issue for users, how does Beatzcoin protect user information and ensure asset safety?

Steven: You own your private keys. VibraVid operates on chain, p2p.

User: To become a project broken through to the mainstream, what do you need in the community? What should the community do to make Beatzcoin’s benefit most and work best?

Steven: Invite friends to use VibraVid. If we want to change the way the “large platforms” are doing business, then it is all of our responsibility to support projects such as BeatzCoin and VibraVid.

User: Mr. STEVEN, how did the partnership between BeatzCoin and Giftcards come about? What advantages does it offer to users? Can we call Vibravid’s biggest rival, Youtube? Do you think there are competitors in the market that will challenge you?

Steven: Our users will soon be able to exchange their BeatzCoin earnings for nearly any major gift-card. As for competition…many big corporations will refuse to take a cut in income. That is where they will fail.

User: How to vote for a project I need to hold a token?

Steven: You can vote for BeatzCoin as SR and receive BTZC rewards.

User: What is the uniqueness of Beatzcoin that cannot be found in other project?

Steven: We have an amazing, open, transparent team…that works directly with the community.

User: Hello Steven, sorry im kinda late. Will the community devs have an API in the future? Will it be public or private?

Steven: We have plans to become an open-source project in the future.

User: How will the content to be uploaded to VibraVid be controlled? Copyrighted content, prohibited content in the country, how to control these situations? In addition, how will you tackle the bot activities?

Steven: We have disclaimers and terms of conditions in place, where someone who is uploading content must agree to these terms, and thereby declare that they own the specific content being uploaded. If this key factor is manipulated or broken, our admins must remove the content from the platform, and possibly notify the user, or suspend their account. Although we aim for decentralization, rules, laws, and policies must still be followed.

User: Big exchanges like Binance, Kucoin, Hotbit, Okex, … can have more than 1 account, why doesn’t BeatzCoin allow users to have multiple BingBon accounts? How does BeatzCoin know if a person uses multiple accounts?

Steven: Accounts are only needed as a means to comply with laws and regulations, and to monitor what is uploaded. A user is free to have multiple accounts.

User: Thanks. After the ama session, please send the voting information to the community.


User: Who are the other founders of BeatzCoin? How many are there?

Steven: We have a core team of over a dozen people, and an extended support team of over 20 people.

User: Can you list 2–3 killer features of BeatzCoin that makes it ahead of its competitors?

Steven: 1. VibraVid is 100% free to use. 2. You can instantly monetize your uploads. 3. Many users provide bounties to instantly market their content. You can register, and collect these bounties for viewing content…and be paid instantly.

User: Sir, we want to see you in Turkey. Maybe you can make important business associations from Turkey.

Steven: We do have a room for the Turkish community.

User: Can I upload videos using my phone?

Steven: Uploading from mobile is disabled at this time but will be brought back in the future.

User: There are many risks affecting a project, especially cryptocurrency projects. Currently, what are risks affecting the BEATZCOIN?

Steven: Honestly, I don’t see many risk factors involved, other than the unforseen. As we continue to stick to our roadmap, and keep building…the project will evolve.

Steven: That’s about all the time I have. Thank-you again!…and I thank each and every one of you for stopping in, asking questions, and showing support! Register on Do not enter a phone number, and be sure to use lower-case for your email. Go BeatzCoin!!

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