Hypothesis about Satoru Iwata

Guest 1000000000000
5 min readOct 19, 2015


Satoru Iwata at the Game Developers Conference


The death of Satoru Iwata-sama might be connected to the Fukushima Daiichi incident…

It is possible that the Fukushima Daiichi incident was caused by DARPA. It is not so surprising, since the corrupt elite hates anything related to the video game industry. However, the corrupt elite does the worst actions to get its way. It used DARPA to use HAARP to trigger a tsunami to cause the nuclear disaster, so that they can kill thousands of people. The corrupt elite is also using the nuclear disaster to poison Japanese citizens and US citizens. They would use this as population control, to achieve that approximate 90% reduction in the present-day quantity of the human population (the main plan of the New World Order), especially to kill people with mentalities that are considered to the corrupt elite as “dissent”.

Satoru Iwata is a special person, a great CEO, a passionate video gamer, an amazing video game developer, in the minds of the video gamers, therefore making him a high-profile target in the eyes of the corrupt elite. The corrupt elite created the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, by using HAARP to generate a special type of electromagnetic wave that would trigger a quake, to start a tsunami that would cause the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, so that it would release a large amount of ionising radiation, so that when Satoru Iwata breathes in the air, or drinks water derived from the ground, it would contaminate and mutate Satoru’s body parts, so that a tumour (area formed of cancer cells) would form, therefore Satoru would no longer be alive, therefore giving the psychotic corrupt elite the EVIL satsfaction of ANOTHER famous person being killed, just after Robin Williams was actually murdered by the corrupt elite. The sudden appearance of mainstream news media articles about Satoru Iwata’s death, appeared suspicious…as if they wanted him to die… :(

There are some possible places that he might have caught some ionising radiation into his body: [Sapporo, Hokkaido], [Tokyo, Honshu], [Kyoto, Honshu]. According to “ http://distance.to “, the air line is a straight line, so it is more accurate for measuring distance as if one location was the centre of the radius and the end of the radius. The Fukushima Daiichi power plant is close to the Japanese town of Ōkuma ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōkuma,_Fukushima ) , so distances are calculated between Ōkuma, and the suspected locations. The air line distance between Sapporo and Ōkuma ( http://www.distance.to/Sapporo/Okuma ) is approximately 391.38 miles. Still somewhat far from the centre of the incident, but if the high intesity radiation can travel through water, all the way from Asia to the Americas, (despite flat earther drones attempting to disprove that anything can go in a loop through the world, rather than fall down)…then ionising radiation can easily travel through the air at the same intensity, or maybe even higher than that. The air line distance between Tōkyō and Ōkuma ( http://www.distance.to/Tokyo/Okuma ) is approximately 138.48 miles, which would have been almost enough to pose a medium risk of radiation contamination. The air line distance between Kyōto and Ōkuma ( http://www.distance.to/Kyoto/Okuma ) is approximately 334.38 miles, which is a similar distance when compared with the distance of Sapporo and Ōkuma. There is always a risk of radiation inside the water facilities of Japan, especially the devices used to purify the water to make ordinary tap water. As a section of the official Wikipedia article about Fukushima Daiichi, states about, ( https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Fukushima_Daiichi_nuclear_disaster&oldid=671414070#Effects_on_evacuees ) is that the life expectancy reduces when ionising radiation is present, as it was previously encountered in Ukrainians, after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. One of the biggest causes of cholangiocarcinoma (as with all cancers), is ionising radiation. And the young maximum age of Satoru Iwata proves that ionising radiation caused the cholangiocarcinoma that killed him.

Satoru Iwata’s death would cause more depression within video gamers, therefore leading to the consumption of more drugs such as ethanol, cocaine, [and more…], which means more $$$ for the Roman drug cartels at the expense of fans being stupid enough to allow the g0vernment to psychologically f*ck with their lives, by the sale of harmful drugs and the death of Satoru Iwata, which would eventually lead to some suicides due to people not being able to cope with the depression. However, the mainstream news media, as usual, does not provide many clues on any evil plot from the Roman Empire against famous people such as Satoru Iwata, Robin McLaurin Williams, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, John Winston Ono Lennon, Michael Joseph Jackson, Robert Nesta “Bob” Marley, [and more]…because the mainstream news media are afraid of getting evil retribution from the rulers (Roman Empire) of the mainstream news media. The death of Satoru Iwata also means that the video game industry would weaken, as a way to cause political instability, (which the DARPA-engineered Zoe Quinn Scandal, GAME_JAM, and the mainstream news media/feminist drone army EVIL ATTACKS against video games, video game consoles, GamerGate and the video game industry, also contributed to the political instability), therefore the corrupt elite would find it easier to destroy the video game industry through some unknown false flag, and then after that, the corrupt elite would then expand the tyranically political radius of authoritarianism of the evil educational institution, and they corrupt elite would also use the already destroyed video game industry, in the uncertain future, to spread pro-Roman Empire propaganda. DARPA was already used by the corrupt elite to start a chain of events using Zoe Quinn as their puppet, then using feminists to troll video gamers. Why else do you see femiNAZIS/manginas attempting to bash Satoru Iwata and also bash the video gamers and the video game industry? Because Big G0vernments hates the video game indsutry, as free expression of ideas (and entertainment) is in video games, which causes video games to be a negative target of Big R0man G0v3rnm3nt. Death is considered profitable and useful to the fucking psychotic scumbags that are the corrupt elite. They think they can dispose of good, innocent people (such as Satoru Iwata) for the authoritarian interests of the corrupt elite. This may sound crazy, but the corrupt elite hates the entire human race. Fuck the corrupt elite.



Guest 1000000000000

Guest 10000000000000/TheScienceEnthusiast1130. A science and entertainment media enthusiast. Activist of Anonymous. Hello. :D