TaaS Second-Quarter Payout Instruction

Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2017

Dear TaaS Community,

Built on a profit-sharing model, TaaS provides its token-owners with 50% of the quarterly earnings. First-quarter payouts were distributed on August 7, 2017, and now we are approaching the date of TaaS’ second-quarter payouts.

In order to ensure correct payouts receiving we provide you with this detailed guideline. Failure to comply with this instruction may result in a loss of your cryptoassets, so pay close attention, please.

1 The exact date of transaction won’t be announced for security reasons. Payouts will be distributed between 1st and 10th of November 2017.

2 Please be prepared before the date of the snapshot and move your tokens to relevant storage. The deadline is November 1st (excluding). Note: you should not move your tokens elsewhere after October 31st (23:59 GMT) and until receiving your payout.

3 In order to receive your payouts we strictly recommend you store your TaaS tokens in the relevant wallets listed below:

  • TaaS wallet;
  • Open-Source & Client-Side Ether Wallet – MyEtherWallet;
  • Hardware wallets – Trezor and Ledger;
  • Ethereum desktop wallet – Mist or Parity.

TaaS wallet

Received payout (the amount of ETH) will appear next to the amount of TAAS shown in a header of the wallet website. Payout transaction won’t be displayed in “Transaction history”, but you can easily validate its processing through Etherscan. Then you may store received ETH or send it to another wallet.

MyEtherWallet / Ethereum desktop wallets / Hardware wallets

If your TaaS tokens are stored in MyEtherWallet (including wallets integrated with MEW), or desktop wallet (Mist, Parity or another) or hardware wallets (Trezor and Ledger) you will get an incoming ETH transaction from the payout address. Then you may store received ETH or send it to another wallet or exchange.


TaaS balances on the exchanges will not receive payouts. Payouts won’t be sent to ANY exchange wallets. If your TaaS tokens are stored on ANY exchange, we highly recommend moving your TaaS tokens to your TaaS wallet, MyEtherWallet or other preferable wallets.

4All the updates and announces are posted and shared through all our channels and newsletter. Please, make sure you are subscribed to TaaS newsletter not to miss anything. Use this form at TaaS website.

Thank you for being with TaaS!


– What is the payout?
TaaS token-owners receive 50% of TaaS earnings quarterly, further –“payout”.

– What currency will payout be sent in?
The payout will be sent in ETH.

– What is the expected payout per 1 TaaS token?
The amount of payout will be announced together with TaaS Quarterly Report.

– What if I won’t move my tokens out of exchange?
Token-owners keeping their tokens on exchanges after the deadline won’t receive their payouts. With no possibility to claim for it. No requests/tickets about payouts being sent to exchanges will be processed by our support team.

– What will happen with the payouts sent to exchanges?
If any wallet is an exchange wallet, the exchange will receive the payout without sending it to the end user.

– I’m not sure if I got my payout. Where can I find it?
You may easily validate any transaction through Etherscan using your address.

– Who do I get in contact with if I have any questions?
Please, contact our support team using chatbox in the bottom right corner of TaaS Wallet website.


TaaS Fund is not acting and cannot act as an advisor, including as to any financial, legal, investment, insurance, procedural and/or tax matters. Any information provided by TaaS Fund is for general information only. You are solely responsible for failure to perform any needed from you actions and determining whether any contemplated action is appropriate for you.
The information presented on or through the TaaS Fund is made available solely for general information purposes. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. We disclaim all liability and responsibility arising from any non-compliance placed on such materials by you or any other visitor to the TaaS Fund, or by anyone who may be informed of any of its contents.



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Token-as-a-Service (TaaS) is the first-ever tokenized closed-end fund dedicated to blockchain assets.