TaaS Token Withdrawal Instruction

Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2017

So, you’ve got a TaaS token but prefer to store it somewhere else from TaaS wallet? The are several options to be proposed:

  • Open-Source & Client-Side Ether Wallet — MyEtherWallet
  • Ethereum desktop wallet — Mist
  • Exchanges that support TaaS token, e.g. Livecoin.

Let’s talk about transferring your tokens. We’ll walk you through the process step by step. If you are a MyEtherWallet user, just scroll to the How to send token section.

Mist wallet users should switch on the TaaS token support at their wallet and here is how to do this.

Adding TaaS token to the list of acceptable assets at Mist.

To start with, you’ll need:

  • The contract address of TaaS token: 0xe7775a6e9bcf904eb39da2b68c5efb4f9360e08c
  • The quantity of decimal places of the smallest unit is 6.

Then, you’ll need to add the asset you’d like to use to your Mist wallet. Go to the ‘Contracts’ menu item of your Mist wallet, scroll to the bottom and click ‘Watch Token’.

After that, fill the form in a following way:

  • Token contract address — the address provided in the previous step.
  • Token name — it’s up to you, but we recommend you to use the official naming — TAAS.
  • Token symbol — it’s up to you, but we recommend you to use the official symbol.
  • Decimal places of the smallest unit, which is 6 for TaaS — it’s important to set it correctly, because otherwise, it may lead to the wrong balance displayed.

Finally, click OK in the bottom and there we go! Now, you can send and receive the added currency.

How to send a token

As the ICO has finished, Send feature became available in the menu on left.

In order to send TaaS tokens, you need to:

  • fill in the field with the address of your wallet OR scan the QR code of your wallet (or any other wallet you’d like to send the funds to);
  • write the amount you’d like to send;
  • click Send.

You will be taken you to the confirmation page.

At this point, you should check the destination address and the amount you’re sending. If all is correct, enter the password of your TaaS account and press Confirm. In case any changes should be made, you can use Back button.

After you pressed Confirm, you can see the summary of your transaction with a Sent status. The summary includes the amount you’ve sent, the address of the recipient wallet, and a transaction hash, a clickable link which leads you to the page of etherscan.io with all the information about your transaction.

Enjoy! And don’t hesitate to contact support in case you have any questions.



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Token-as-a-Service (TaaS) is the first-ever tokenized closed-end fund dedicated to blockchain assets.