kaveh Taheri
2 min readAug 3, 2015

Eye for an Eye: Iran’s Court Gouges Eye of a Young Man Convicted of Blinding

In a literal application of the Sharia Law of an eye for an eye, an Iranian young man convicted of blinding a taxi driver in a street fighting has been allegedly blinded in one of his eyes.

A young Iranian man who had blinded a taxi driver’s left eye was convicted to blinding one of his eyes under the IslamicPenal Code Qisas(retaliation-in-kind) in first of August 2015.

Hamed, 28, was previously sentenced paying off blood money (restitution) as an unintentional crime that the Supreme Court ignored restitution as well, and the case referred to re-examination as rights groups said.

Thereinafter, the victim objected to the sentence that it referred for re-examination at Branch 14 by the Supreme Court.

Finally, Hamed convicted to blinding one of his eyes at Branch 2 of Tehran’s Criminal Court chaired by Judge Aziz-Mohammadi when Iran’s Forensics confirmed that the blinding as a restitution is practicable by a well-equipped eye clinic. The court carried out the sentence following the Article 404 of the Islamic Penal Code.

The offender had blinded the taxi driver Mohammad Hussain, 25, in a street fighting nearby Jomhouri Square in the capital of Iran, Tehran.

Islam’s Sharia law allows for “Qisas” (retribution) but it also advises clemency, and victims or their relatives have the final say in such cases and can halt the punishment at any time under Iran’s law.

Iran punishment as blinding an eye for an eye by gouging out offenders eye have been frequently condemned as “unspeakably cruel” by Human Rights community.

International rights groups ever condemn the “grotesque” punishment overseen by Iranian authorities under the principles of “Qisas”.

“Punishing someone by deliberately blinding them is an unspeakably cruel and shocking act”, Raha Bahreini, Amnesty International’s Iran Researcher said on March 2015.

By: Kaveh Taheri

Source: BCR Group

kaveh Taheri

Kaveh Taheri, Co-founder & chairman of the ICBHR.Com, is a Turkey-based Iranian Human Rights researcher & journalist who has worked exclusively on Middle East.