kaveh Taheri
2 min readAug 21, 2015

Iran: Political Prisoner Jalalian could go blind

Aug 21, Tehran: Zeynab Jalalian, imprisoned in Iran, is going blind due to lack of medical care, she is at imminent risk losing her eyesight as a result of severe tortures in the prison.
The political prisoner Zeynab Jalalian has had violent experience in Kermanshah prison — both psychologically and physically according to the news received by BCR Group. She already lost one of her eyes and is at imminent risk of losing the other.
She gradually losing her only remaining eyesight as a result of severe tortures during the investigation in Iran’s Intelligence Service chambers, She was also flogged in the prison. Officials had allegedly beaten her with electrical wire in her metatarsus, rights groups said.
Miss. Jalalian, 32, was reportedly threatened to rape by the investigators; one of the investigators had beat multiple blows on her by a shaft that caused of bleeding.
She, from Maku city, has been held in the prison since seven years ago, and officials denied the right to access her family.
Officials held its charges as capital punishment against her for membership in Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PJAK). Finally, the death sentence reduced to lifetime imprisonment.
She, the Kurdish political prisoner, was arrested in Kermanshah city on 2009, according to her Wikipedia page. Poor inmate Zeynab Jalalian has been accused of Moharebeh (waging war against God) under Iran’s Islamic Penal Code, confirmed by the Supreme Court of the regime. She was deprived of the right to access a lawyer of own choice and the trial lasted just a few minutes, Kurdish activists declared.
She has allegedly spent her prison term in the prisons of Evin, Sanandaj and Kermanshah.
“She lost her freedom, now she may lose her sight too”, Amnesty International reported on 19 June 2014.
On 8 April 2014, she was taken to the prison clinic in handcuffs and shackles for treatment, however, it’s not clear if the clinic is actually equipped to treat her condition. She has repeatedly been refused access to an eye specialist outside the prison, AI said.

The Oslo Times

- See more at: http://www.theoslotimes.com/iran-political-prisoner-jalalian-could-go-blind/

kaveh Taheri

Kaveh Taheri, Co-founder & chairman of the ICBHR.Com, is a Turkey-based Iranian Human Rights researcher & journalist who has worked exclusively on Middle East.