4 min readSep 11, 2015


What is strange and uncomfortable, makes our skin crawl all over, and then gives us some unforeseen benefit?


Turns out it doesn’t have to be any of those things. We have some insider tips, from our Sidekick’s friends, to make networking less painful and to create real value for our connections so we can develop meaningful relationships.

TEMPLATE 1: After a conference or event #1

We should be useful and add value before expecting something out of our new connections. Use this follow up email template after meeting someone to demonstrate that value:

TEMPLATE 2: After a conference or event #2

Here is another example of a follow up email to send after meeting someone at an event:

TEMPLATE 3: To ask for a meeting #1

Looking to move a relationship along to the point of actually meeting the person? Perhaps the following template can help.

TEMPLATE 4: To ask for a meeting #2

Are you coming from out of town and want to make the most of your visit by meeting with someone key in that area? Try a template like so:

TEMPLATE 5: Follow up to the follow up meeting request

If we never get a response to our initial meeting request, it is possible our email just got lost in individual’s inbox. In situations like this, sometimes a “quick reminder” email template is best.

TEMPLATE 6: To promote your business or service #1

TEMPLATE 7: To promote your business or service #2

Check out an additional template from our networking email guide below:

TEMPLATE 8: After a cold ask

We all need a little help from our friends. Sometimes we need help from those who are not friends too. When we receive no response after sending a cold email asking for a favor, we can send the following email template:

TEMPLATE 9: Thank you email after meeting

In thank you emails, it is important to describe concrete results that our contact helped us achieve, and express why that result is meaningful. Many follow up thank you emails lack sincerity. They contain plenty of “appreciate it” and “grateful” and “thank you,” but those words mean little when we don’t explain the how and why.

Another rule to live by with the follow up thank you email: pay it forward. In return for their help, we can provide something valuable to our contact in the form of an introduction or a relevant resource to demonstrate our gratitude and that this is not a one-way relationship.

TEMPLATE 10: Asking for an introduction

Let’s say the person we are networking with is of value because of someone else in their network — specifically, someone we want to know. To get introduced to this valuable contact, it’s often best to go through a referral introduction through the person we just met.

TEMPLATE 11: After business meeting #1

We dread meetings. And we dread emails. But meetings are a form of internal networking at our respective companies.

Every email we send is a reflection of us, so when we send these follow up emails after a business meeting, we should ensure that they are as useful as possible. Here are a few templates for an effective follow up email after a business meeting:

TEMPLATE 12: After business meeting #2

After a long meeting, it is often worth making a few notable accomplishments known to all. This can help keep the team motivated while showing you care enough to follow up to

Source: Sidekick

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Take a breather and professionally network over lunch