5 Strange Cricket Facts You Never Knew About!

Take A Sport
2 min readFeb 17, 2017


Cricket is a sport played all over the world, celebrated by millions of people. The rich history of the game makes it even more interesting to know all the following facts!

Indian spinner Bapu Nadkarni once delivered 21 maiden overs consecutively against England!

Back in 1964, on the 12th of January, Indian spinner Bapu Nadkarni made India win against England by bowling 21 maiden overs. Imagine not being able to score runs! How frustrating!

Alec Stewart’s birthdate is the same as the number of runs he scored in his test career!

Alec Stewart was born on 8/4/63 and 8463 was the amount of runs he scored!

India, the only team to ever win all 3 kinds of World Cups

The Indian cricket team is the only team to have placed first in a 60-over, 50-over, and a 20-over World Cup match.

On the morning of 11/11/11, at 11:11 am, South Africa needed 111 runs to win a match against Australia!

That must’ve been a moment of amazement for everyone witnessing it, although not a lot of people did!

Sachin Tendulkar, before playing for India, played for Pakistan!

Back in 1987, during a practice match between Pakistan and India, Sachin Tendulkar fielded for the Pakistani team as a substitute.

A rich history, a profusion of legendary players, and unlimited moments of amazement!

Cricket is a really cherished sport for a reason!

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