Tales From The Wild : the future of entertainment is here 🚪

Tales From The Wild
11 min readMar 9, 2022


Update: GENESIS Mint opened on May 20 and is live at https://talesfromthewild.land/collection

Entertainment is changing. The revolution that is taking place is colossal.

It’s causing us to rethink how we create fictional franchises, how we finance entertainment, and how we engage communities.

How do you create the next Harry Potter or Star Wars in 2022? How do you include the community in an organic way? How do we finance creation without going through traditional channels?

We are a web3-IP Studio whose job is to create and share original IPs build for transmedia, which you’ll be able to play, watch, listen and read. Our IPs are built for and with their community, leveraging blockchain and NFTs to provide true ownership to our fans. Community is everything to our team: we want you to live into our worlds, and to engage into entertainment through a 360° experience. Tales From The Wild was born out of this desire to rethink entertainment in light of the web3. And this franchise is the first of many to come.

We wrote this lightpaper around 9 major points :

  1. The Vision
  2. The Ambition
  3. The Story
  4. The Game
  5. First Drop of NFTs
  6. Choice of Blockchain
  7. Utilities
  8. A real audiovisual ambition
  9. The Team

Please feel free to share your feedback and/or questions about Tales From The Wild on our Twitter:

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Tales From The Wild — concept art by Timur Rumit (2022)


Tales From The Wild is the first fantasy franchise born from and for web3. A story you’ll be able to play, read, watch, listen, but also live IRL.

We want to offer an experience of “total fiction”, where the borders with reality will be blurred. Because imagination is the most powerful metaverse.

We are convinced that there is no other way to create a global success today than to consider it community-based from the idea stage. Include the fans at all moments. That’s also why our Discord server is the core of our business today.

The next Harry Potter will be created in collaboration with its community.


We are passionate about stories. Everything starts with a quest, a goal, that the characters will try to reach.

And for us, this is not a one-shot story. We want to embrace the web3 digital renaissance and rethink the entertainment industry, from which we initially originate, to build the next generation of worlds and stories.

Our web3-IP studio already has four different franchises in development. We aim to build the future of entertainment in real time with this first launch.

We are the natural child of Universal and Activision.

Tales From The Wild — concept art by Joseph Brown (2022)


We don’t take our mission lightly. The stakes are high, as in all good stories. So here is the beginning of ours.

Tales From The Wild tells the story of a world cut in two.

On one side is Humanity, whose industrial practices have ravaged the planet and destroyed biodiversity. On the other, the Wild — the Spirits of Nature — who has decided to stop bowing and now wants to take back control.

Between the two are the Welders, a millennia-old Guild whose goal has always been to maintain the balance between the two worlds. But with war looming between the two sides, the Welders are in trouble: their order is nearly extinct and their ranks are thin. Not to mention that the Old Gods, who had disappeared for centuries, seem to be awakening.

Everyone will have to choose a side.

Tales From The Wild tells the story of a lost balance, of a promise that was once broken and for which the following generations will have to pay the price. Tales From The Wild is also about our planet — what we have done to it, what it is about to do to us in return. It is also the story of a world on the verge of a war that must be avoided at all costs.

Tales from The Wild is about us.


Playing is as natural as breathing. It is also one of the best ways for a franchise to go mainstream — in addition to movies, TV series and books.

Our browser-based game, launching in April 2022, is a Free-to-Play P2E MMORPG.

In this game, YOU will become a Welder: you will face rogue Spirits, dangerous Monsters and powerful Bosses. One stage after another, you will grow stronger, gain XP and earn rewards, but also craft in-game items which are all on-chain tradable NFTs.

If you are holding one of our Genesis NFTs, you will also be able to loot $APE, connecting our franchise to one of the most promising web3 cryptotainment ecosystem.

As a matter of fact, our gaming experience is already taking place for a few months within our Discord server, where you can play as a Welder, battle opponents and increase your abilities. All the statistics of your Discord character are planned to be transfered to the browser-game via a gateway API during the launch.

Preview for the webgame, 2022©


The first drop started on May 20 2022. It consists of 2.222 NFTs — representing Spirits of the Wild. Another drop of 2.222 Spirits will happen in July 2022.

These spirits live all around us: in rivers, wastelands, undergrowth, industrial wastelands, but also deserts, deep forests and oceans. Chances are you’ve come across one recently.

Individually, they’re not very strong, but they can do great things if they get together, like cause natural disasters.

The NFTs of this first drop embody these Companion Spirits, who like pets follow their Welder wherever he or she goes. They are more than a weapon or a servant: they are true friends.

The drop takes the form of a blind box. The NFTs will be revealed 7 days later and will be distributed as follows:

  • COMMONS: 1500 (350 Stone, 320 Water, 300 Wind, 280 Tree, 250 Fire)
  • RARE: 600 (200 Animals, 200 Ice, 200 Thunder)
  • SECRET: 113 (Death)
  • LEGENDARY: 9 (1 Tree, 1 Stone, 1 Wind, 1 Fire, 1 Water, 1 Animals, 1 Ice, 1 Thunder, 1 Death)

The degree of rarity is also determined by the background of the Spirit, according to its element and its strength, so that the rarity can be determined at a glance.

Our NFTs are the materialization of our story into the real world.

Visual researchs for TFTW’s NFTs — Patrick Fontaine (2022)
Definitive Designs for TFTW’s NFTs — Patrick Fontaine (2022)


Tales From The Wild will use the Ethereum blockchain for its main collection and Polygon for its secondary collections (airdrops + 100% of NFTs created in-game via our “Forge”).

The ambition is to benefit from the already established and stable Ethereum ecosystem, as well as its very active community.

As entertainment professionals, we are of course addressing cryptoenthusiasts, but also the general public. That’s why we need a user-friendly environment, which already displays a multitude of tools and allows us to use the most popular platforms like OpenSea.

The choice of Polygon for secondary collections — airdrops, but also assets in the video game — is motivated by the topic of gas fees and ecological footprint.

On the latter topic, we are currently building partnerships with NGOs working specifically on environmental and indigenous peoples’ issues.

Liability and sustainability are the keys.


We are convinced that in addition to their “collectible” aspect, the future of NFTs lies in the utilities they embed, and capabilities they confer to their owners.

Thus, in Tales From The Wild, NFTs allow to benefit from the following advantages:

  • IMPACT utility | access the TFTW Discord Creative Team’s channel and contribute to the creative development of the franchise. Our creative team will work directly with the community. This includes character creation, story arc development, etc. It’s all about opening up a channel for ongoing discussion with the most involved TFTW fans. Also, access to private IRL events.
  • EARN utility | access to in-game $APE loot + Watch-2-Earn, Read-2-Earn, Listen-2-Earn utilities.
  • AIRDROP utility | to play on the collection effect and encourage immersion in the franchise, we will regularly send airdrops (free NFTs) to owners. Each of these NFTs will have its own story, and will constitute a real piece of the puzzle of the global universe (imagine collecting the different lightsabers that you have seen in Star Wars, for example).
  • PLAY utility | our NFTs will be real assets in a browser-based video game, in the form of a Spirit that will accompany your character and give him or her certain skill advantages.

We are not a PFP project. Our NFTs have real utilities.

Thunder Dagger — videogame concept art by Patrick Fontaine (2022)


Our team is made up of entertainment, culture and media professionals. We know the reality of this ecosystem. Our latest project, the “Doors” app, has over 200,000 users. This “Netflix of serialized reading” has convinced both the general public and professionals in the sector.

This project has allowed us to build real relationships of trust with major players in the audiovisual sector: we organize monthly meetings with the largest French film and television producers in order to present them our new intellectual properties. Several projects are already under study.

Tales From the Wild has a clear transmedia ambition, in which audiovisual adaptations have their place. The presence of Serge Hayat in the team is a huge advantage: his quality of essential actor of the sector allows us to envisage a quick porting of Tales From The Wild to the screen.

We firmly believe in our franchise. And we won’t stop here.

Tales From The Wild — concept art by Armander Borio (2021)


— Serge Hayat is one of the biggest investors in French and European cinema. He is a founding partner of Federation Entertainment (Intouchables, The Bureau, Marianne, etc.) and Echo Studio (Demain est à nous). He is also president of the investment fund Cinémage, which has produced such films as L’Arnacœur, De Rouille et d’Os, Le Sens de la Fête, and more recently Titane, Annette and The Summit of the Gods. Serge is actively involved in the Tales From The Wild project, which he supports on a daily basis both in terms of strategy and in managing partnerships with the audiovisual world.

— François Delporte is the CEO of Doors, and arguably the team member most invested in the crypto ecosystem: he was already mining ETH in 2016 (but unfortunately didn’t go through the “become a millionaire” stage). Passionate about games and web3, this former VC and Business Analyst who worked at IBM is the captain of the ship, and his communicative energy is the starting point of this whole adventure. His main strength: his enthusiasm and passion for the project.

— Julien Simon is the artistic director of Tales From The Wild: it is from his imagination that the first stones of the universe came out, and he is in charge of leading the project from an artistic point of view. A former bookseller turned publisher, he worked with many publishing houses before creating one of the first French-speaking pureplayers. He also ensures the coherence and integrity of the Tales From The Wild lore and organizes the work with the artists, whether they are authors, scriptwriters, designers or illustrators.

— Boris Duda is in charge of marketing and collaborations, developing daily creative solutions to carry the voice of Tales From The Wild. Having worked for large companies such as Fnac or Nature & Découvertes in similar positions, he knows the codes of communication and masters them to a tee.

— Camille Pichon is our UX designer, in charge of the experience and the relationship with the fans of Tales From The Wild. Trained at the Gobelins School in Paris (a predestination to work on a fantasy license?), Camille analyzes and interacts with our community to allow us to better understand it, to better talk to it and to better anticipate its needs and desires.

— Guillaume Tran and Ludovic Gueth are our two regular developers. Passionate about innovation, but also very motivated by technological challenges, they develop the architecture of our drop as well as its mint interface via the landing page. They also initiated the creation of our first video game, a browser-based RPG that will allow players to play with the Tales From The Wild universe.

— Lucy Marechal follows up on the work with the authors as editorial manager, after two years of experience as editorial assistant at Doors. She also runs the community on Discord with a masterful hand.

— Vincent Daffourd accompanies us on the consulting side. A true NFT and metaverse enthusiast, this serial entrepreneur has already invested in many companies in the sector and is no stranger to our decision to launch this project.

— Pierre Steinmetz is a former journalist at Arte. Today, Pierre is our PR strategist. His goal is to help us get more press and media coverage.

— William Muskus is our Growth Advisor, and a successful web3 and NFT community builder (former Growth Manager from the famous NFT collection Otaku origins).

— Arnaud Dussart is our Community Manager. He is actively taking care of our Discord members and helping us to grow our Twitter fan base.

— Patrick Fontaine, born in Reunion Island, studied visual communication and applied arts in France. He accumulated experience in agencies for ten years as a graphic designer before returning to his first passions: illustration and narration. Today he’s designing our first NFTs.

— Next Decade accompanies us on the smart contracts and metaverse part. Their technical expertise is for us the guarantee to make this drop a success without any mistakes, and their great knowledge of the NFT ecosystem has already been proven to be very useful.

We don’t hide. We stand in plain light.


Our ambition is to make Tales From The Wild an example. By using the artistic and financial possibilities that web3 opens to us, we want to prove that another way of creating — more community-driven, more reactive, more efficient — is possible.

We are putting all our experience and energy into this, and we are convinced that this is just the beginning of much bigger things to come.

Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TalesFTWild

Subscribe to our newsletter: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/talesfromthewild

Our landing page: https://www.talesfromthewild.land/

In order to focus on the most active members of our community, our Discord server is currently in private access. Don’t hesitate to subscribe to our Twitter to unlock your ticket: we organize many contests and events to gain access. This strategy allows us to keep our growth under control for the time being and to always put experience before numbers.

Welcome to the Wild!

— The TFTW team

Logo Creation by Antoine Deloy



Tales From The Wild

A story driven by the community, soon available to play, read, watch and live IRL ✨ 4440 unique NFTs 💎 The future of entertainment is here 🚪