Three Reasons Why 2024 Is Going To Be My Year Of Gratitude

Tamika M Murray
4 min readDec 31, 2023


Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash

Do you ever have one of those years that kicks you in the nether regions? Yes, that’s how both 2022 and 2023 were for me. See, my life up until that point was stuck. The energy of change was stagnant. Sure, on the surface, it seemed like things were moving. But in reality, nothing was going where I wanted it to.

That’s why shifting my perspective helped me to make some profound decisions and choices for my life. While it wasn’t always pleasant giving, Gratitude is one of the main things that helped me get through the rough times.

1. Gratitude Is My Attitude

Now we all know what Gratitude is, right? It’s like the kissing cousin of being thankful. While some tend to use them interchangeably, there is a slight difference. Being thankful has more to do with how you feel in the moment. Yes, you can also be grateful in the present moment. Yet, Gratitude goes deeper. Being grateful is the continued mindset of giving Gratitude for what you have done, experienced, received, accomplished, etc. It is an emotion you experience deep within your heart and soul.

That’s why I say that Gratitude is my attitude because I am grateful every day for all my blessings. Even when I was going through my break-up last year and house hunting. Even when my mom died unexpectedly during Thanksgiving weekend of 2016, I found reasons to be grateful. Or now, as we draw to the end of a year and I’m choosing to spend New Year’s Eve at home as a fabulously single lady who has three adorable yet sometimes pain-in-the-rear-end kitties as my date, I’m still grateful because someone wishes they had my life instead of one on the streets or living in a toxic environment.

2. The Power of 3 Works For Me

When it comes to being grateful, I’ve noticed that the more I am grateful, the more I attract. Gratitude helps raise your mood and your vibration. By being in a higher vibration, you magnetize yourself to receive more of what you already have, ranging from money, opportunities, or something simple yet so appreciated, like your basic needs being met. We all love having food in our homes, cars, or transportation at our disposal, good friends, and treasured moments with loved ones.

That’s why when I verbally list or write out things I’m grateful to have, I do it at least three times. Each number has power and a vibration of its own. The number three is associated with being upbeat, cheerful, playful, and creative. When I recite affirmations, which often coincide with words like “I am grateful for” or “Why I am so grateful for this wonderful new opportunity,” I can feel it working and resonating with me as they are spoken three times. I tend to say them with a smile, which only amplifies it. So, the power of three absolutely works for me, and it could work for you as well.

3. Life Isn’t Fair, But I Don’t Care

Now, this section might trigger some people. I innerstand why you might feel that way. But at the end of the day, I don’t allow what I’ve endured in the past to dictate how I feel in this present moment. Trust me, I wasn’t always like this, but I’ve healed a lot and continue to do so. Yet, healing doesn’t mean I’m broken. I’m still a whole soul having a human experience.

As I move through my day, I remind myself that life will have its upsets, curve balls thrown at me, distractions, and disappointments. But it’s up to me to make myself happy. It’s no one else’s responsibility. Period. So, I choose to be grateful instead of complaining constantly. I focus on myself and what lights me up. My accomplishments, my goals, and my well-being are put first. This way, I can assist those around me or complete tasks. Being grateful makes life more enjoyable, whether I’m helping my life coaching clients, writing assignments, listening to friends or family, or people I cross paths with throughout my day.

Vision Board Created on
A Vision Board Photo Sourced by

2024 and Beyond

So, as we all prepare to shift into a new calendar year, we can bring a sense of freshness and excitement by being grateful for what we have yet open for all the wonderful things life is trying to bring to us. If this holiday season was rough for you, just be grateful. It can be as simple as waking up this morning and breathing alone. Or I can enjoy the fresh air today or the laughter of my best friend. Once you see how much you have, it makes whatever hardships you’re enduring seem less unbearable. Plus, wherever you are, this current moment won’t last. Things for a reason, so allow them to do so, and eventually, they will improve.

As for me, I’ll be creating my vision board on Canva, cooking a yummy meal and dessert, spending time with my kitties, taking a spiritual bath, and writing down my goals for 2024 today. I already have so much to be grateful for; this is only the beginning.

Tamika M. Murray is a freelance writer, life coach at Mystical Fire Ascension Life Coaching, Public Speaker, Social Worker not in the field, and an Award-Winning Author with ten published works available on Amazon. Follow her on Instagram, TikTok, or LinkedIn, LinkTree and feel free to contact her. She loves meeting new people.



Tamika M Murray

Mika is the Celestial Scribe whose content always shines. Visit her world by checking out her LinkTree