Loving Change

A passionate mini manifesto for change.

3 min readMay 3, 2014

I meet a lot of people who would love to change but often seem stuck in their current situation. I want to change that. I want to empower people so that they can try this life full of change. It will make you a whole-brain thinker, and will bring serendipity and synchronicity to an exponential level.

Change is like fear. The more you love it the better you will become at it.

So what can you do? So you will live that life full of change!

I will share a bit about me. I was born in Morocco, grew up in the Netherlands and now live in the United States. I lived in three continents and plan to add the others too in the near future. Connecting with different people from different countries is great. All the cultures have something special so when you let yourself become a melting pot then magic can happen.

Live in different countries —Live in another country, or two or three. It will broaden your horizon and enrich you tremendously. You can go as a student even if it is for 3 months to learn a new language. Often you can even volunteer so it will not cost as much.

Career — I started out as a banker, then became an actress, then became a poet, then became a hot sauce maker, and now I am delving in entrepreneurship with a focus on technology. Trying different careers in your life will make you a lateral thinker. Every profession gives you insights, knowledge, challenges, and tremendous wisdom that you would have never gotten if you didn’t change careers.

So switch careers and I mean do a total 180 degrees here. You will love it and it will give you a polymathic brain.

Learning new skills —Make a conscious effort to learn new skills. It is a thrilling experience when you master something. I learned sewing, making cakes, Hindi in the past few months. Learning new skills will fire up your neurons. New connections will be made so you can come up with different ideas. It will increase your resourcefullness too!

Meetup groups— Start a meetup group and become a connector. When you are the organizor it will give you an advantage. People will approach you with questions, suggestions, feedback and more valuable information. You will bring a diverse group of people together and that will give you tremendous joy. When you hear all the different stories from others you will become fearless. If you hear what others are doing or want to do, it will motivate you too. I started two meetup groups in Los Angeles. Look them up and come and join us. One is called Idea Meetup for Curious People and the other one is about the Internet of Things — IoT (Internet of things)LA. I wanted to learn about ideas and IoT so it is a great platform to learn fast.

Dating— Date within different cultures and ethnicities. My last three boyfriends were an Indian guy, a Jewish guy and an African American guy. Being exposed to different cultures with their long and unique heritage will empower you. They will all tell you stories and share their customs. You will become more in love with change because you will get how different each culture is.

Food— Make an effort to try different cuisines. Try something you would have never chosen before. You will be surprised, delighted and open yourself up to some amazing culinary experiences. Everytime you try a food you never tried before it will do something with your brain. You will get a little jolt of electricity. Pure excitement. Don’t stick with the same boring dish. Go on a little food adventure!

I made up a word last year for myself. I called myself a changenarian. I hope you will become one too! It makes life more juicy, more alive and definitely more fearless.

Love, Live, Change!

Tania Damha

