Cardano’s TVL Surpasses 400 Million ADA

Tap In With TapTools
Tap In With TapTools
3 min readMay 23, 2023


Cardano, a prominent blockchain renowned for its innovation and peer reviewed scientific research has recently achieved a remarkable milestone. Its Total Value Locked (TVL) has soared to new heights, surpassing 400 million ADA, more than doubling this year, which is a testament to the growing popularity and trust in the ecosystem as more protocols come online. This article delves into the key drivers behind Cardano’s TVL surge, including the emergence of meme coins, the expansion of DeFi protocols, and a shift towards decentralized alternatives. Furthermore, we explore the implications of this significant milestone for Cardano’s position among the top 20 chains by TVL and the potential beginning of a bull run.

DeFi’s Expanding Landscape: Empowering Financial Freedom on Cardano

The rapid expansion of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols has significantly impacted Cardano’s TVL growth. These protocols enable users to engage in a range of financial activities, including lending, borrowing, and yield farming, all while maintaining control over their funds. Cardano’s scalable and secure infrastructure has attracted numerous DeFi projects, enhancing the platform’s ecosystem and amplifying its TVL. The continuous influx of new protocols and innovative features has further positioned Cardano as a frontrunner in the DeFi space. Minswap continues to lead the TVL on Cardano and has a 35.96% dominance.

Escaping Centralization

The recent increase in Cardano’s TVL can be attributed, in part, to individuals seeking refuge from the traditional banking system and centralized exchanges. Growing concerns over privacy, security, and control have driven many users towards decentralized alternatives, and Cardano has emerged as a compelling choice. With its robust infrastructure and focus on user-centric design, Cardano offers a secure and transparent platform that empowers individuals to take control of their financial activities, attracting a significant influx of users and contributing to the TVL growth.

Memecoin Summer: Merging Humor and Value on Cardano

Meme coins have witnessed an extraordinary rise, captivating the crypto community with their unique blend of humor and potential for financial gains. Cardano has emerged as a favored platform for these memetic tokens to flourish. Tokens like the well-known “Snek” have found a welcoming home on Cardano, attracting a diverse range of participants eager to explore and invest in these satirical digital assets. The influx of meme coin enthusiasts has contributed to Cardano’s TVL surge, further solidifying its position as a preferred blockchain platform.

The Future of Cardano’s TVL and Bullish Implications

The achievement of surpassing 400 million ADA in TVL marks a significant milestone for Cardano. It places Cardano among the top 20 chains by TVL, reinforcing its position as a prominent blockchain ecosystem. The continuous growth of meme coins, the expansion of DeFi protocols, and the increasing number of individuals seeking decentralized alternatives provide a promising outlook for Cardano’s TVL as the blockchain solidifies itself as a leading smart contract platform. As more projects and users flock to the platform, Cardano could potentially enter the beginning stages of a bull run, propelling its growth and solidifying its role as a leading blockchain platform.


Cardano’s current TVL sitting at over 430 million ADA signals a new era of growth and potential for the blockchain ecosystem. The convergence of meme coins, the expansion of DeFi protocols, and a shift towards decentralized alternatives have contributed to this milestone. As Cardano continues to attract new projects, users, and investors, it is poised for a bullish future. The surge in TVL not only elevates Cardano among the top 20 chains by TVL but also highlights the platform’s position as a trailblazer in innovation, scalability, and user-centric design.

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