Can Tarantulas Eat Hissing Cockroaches?

Aexsha Teramera
4 min readMar 3, 2024


Dubia cockroaches make an excellent food source for your tarantula, offering ample amounts of protein, calcium and vitamins.

No special care or attention is necessary, which makes them a good option for beginners. However, when purchasing one make sure it is an adult as immature ones may prove challenging to care for.

Can Tarantulas Eat Hissing Cockroaches?

Hissing cockroaches are large wingless roaches that produce an audible hissing noise to warn off potential predators. They possess a sturdy exoskeleton which protects them against attacks while being excellent climbers.

Cockroaches are a preferred food of reptiles and large insects alike, including tarantulas. Easy to feed on low costs with high levels of protein content, they often bypass other prey if available cockroaches are readily available — as well as being consumed when nearing their time to moult.

There are three kinds of cockroaches you can offer your tarantula for food. Dubia roaches are a favorite among domestic reptile owners and make an ideal feeder insect for feeding tarantulas, due to their low fat content, high levels of calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin A content, easy availability online or pet stores and low costs compared to alternatives such as Turkestan cockroaches which may also be called red runner or rusty red varieties.

Photo by Erik Karits on Unsplash

Nutritional Content of Hissing Cockroaches

Hissing Cockroaches are an excellent protein source and easy to breed, making them a favorite among many tarantula owners. Hissing cockroaches can be fed directly or mixed in with foods like worms, crickets, fruits or vegetables for maximum nutritional benefit.

Madagascar hissing cockroaches live in the wild as scavengers that feed on fruit and plants, using their tough exoskeleton as protection from predators and producing loud hissing noises to scare away potential predators.

Cockroaches can be fed to all varieties of tarantulas, but are most frequently utilized as feeders for reptiles and larger species of tarantulas. Their rich protein, calcium, and vitamin A and D content makes them excellent food sources.

Roaches make an excellent alternative to feeding insects like worms, crickets and flies to reptiles as they contain pathogens which could potentially cause illness and disease in the animal. It is however important to keep in mind that feeding them to reptiles could pose some potential dangers that could cause illness and disease to the reptile itself.

Health Benefits and Risks of Hissing Cockroaches

Hissing cockroaches are a favorite feeder insect of tarantula enthusiasts because they’re easy to breed and healthy for their tarantulas. Not only that, but some studies indicate that some tarantulas actually prefer these insects during molting cycles as prey items!

Madagascar hissing cockroaches are detritivores, meaning they feed off decayed plant matter on forest floors and digest it for sustenance. Males live up to three years, producing two or three broods annually and females keep them warm until hatching occurs by carrying around an egg case until hatching takes place.

To keep hissing cockroaches happy and healthy, provide them with a substrate of 1 to 2 inches deep aspen wood shavings. Hides such as cork bark, driftwood, toilet paper rolls and other items provide plenty of places for them to rest their heads safely in their cages.

Serving Size and Frequency of Feeding

Madagascar hissing cockroaches make an excellent feeder insect choice as they’re both affordable and simple to care for. Boasting a tough exoskeleton that helps defend them from predators, when threatened they produce an audible hissing sound which may scare away predators.

Hissing cockroaches are omnivores, meaning they consume a wide variety of foods. To promote healthy body and exoskeleton development, hissing cockroaches need food with plenty of proteins and fats like leafy vegetables like cabbage as well as fruits containing high quantities of essential nutrients such as fruits.

Hissing cockroaches require ample water in order to stay alive, without which they will quickly die. You should remove any uneaten food from their enclosure on a regular basis as this may start rotting over time. For optimal health, hissing cockroaches should be fed twice per day with fresh, clean food each time they are fed.

Other Alternatives to Hissing Cockroaches

Hissing cockroaches are an easy choice for tarantula owners looking for food sources that provide both easy breeding and nutrition for their pet tarantulas. But there are other varieties of cockroaches which may provide food to feed to your tarantula, including dubia cockroaches, guyana spotted cockroaches and Argentinian wood cockroaches that could serve as alternatives.

These cockroaches are also easier to feed and require less water than hissing varieties, making them safer to handle as they don’t possess wings and won’t bite you back.

Tarantulas love hunting cockroaches for their rich source of vitamins and minerals. Tarantulas will often turn away other prey if cockroaches are nearby; male hissing cockroaches use their “horns” to display dominance; it’s pretty entertaining to watch their behaviour as male hissing cockroaches use headbutting like rams before aggressively wiggling their butts at each other and showing readiness to start fighting!

Conclusion about Eating Hissing Cockroaches

Hissing cockroaches (Grombadorhina portentosa) are large wingless roaches native to Madagascar that feature tough exoskeletons for protection from predators and can make loud hissing sounds as an alarm signal to potential attackers.

Hissers are tropical insects that prefer temperatures between 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the daytime and cooler night temperatures. Hissers thrive in humid environments that feature subdued ambient lighting; for optimal conditions they require aspen wood shavings as a substrate layer for their habitat as well as providing plenty of hiding spaces such as cork bark pieces, cardboard egg carton pieces or driftwood for protection.

Hissers are a favorite food of many tarantulas because they’re easy to breed and highly nutritious — full of calcium, vitamins, and minerals! Additionally, fruits, vegetables and dry dog or rat food can all make delicious snacks for these spiders.



Aexsha Teramera

I am a proud owner of Tarantulas. I also have a Masters degree in Zoology.