How to view Target Coin in Wallet

Target Coin
1 min readJul 14, 2017


To view Target Coin tokens in your wallet you need to add it, i.e. specify address, token symbol and decimals. The following steps describe how to add Target Coin in your Wallet:

1) Unlock your wallet account.

  • Go to “Send Ether & Tokens” menu
    — Select “Private Key” checkbox and paste your private key in “Paste/Type Your Private Key” text area.
    — Press “Unlock” button

2) Add Target Coin token.

  • Go to the “Token Balances” topic
    — Press “Add Custom Token”
    — Fill the fields of Target Coin token
  • Address: 0xAc3Da587eac229C9896D919aBC235CA4Fd7f72c1
  • Token Synbol: TGT
  • Decimals: 1

3) Press “Save” button


