Hey there! :) Welcome to a glimpse of my human experience. I've been on medium since December of 2022, and this blog has morphed right along with my life. I see why they call it a "blog" now. That word sounds so kinetic and full of life. I'd say that those two terms describe me too.

Growing up as a military kid, I was always moving. My Dad was in the Marines, so every 3 years we would pick up and move. I've lived in Charleston, SC, Jacksonville, NC, Okinawa, Japan, Tempe, Arizona, and Charlotte, NC.

As a kid, I was an avid soccer player and singer. I was constantly moving and moving this eccentric energy through my body. On my journey to healing, I found that soccer and singing are karmic gifts from the universe. They both have helped and continue to help me cope with trauma.

Movement is such an essential part of the human experience. All living things, to my knowledge, move. WE LIKE TO MOVE IT MOVE IT! I like it a whole lot. When I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager, the surgeon told me that I was able to avoid invasive back surgery, which would have definitely hindered my movement, thanks to movement! Isn't that ironic?

I started playing soccer at the age of 3 and excelled enough to play at the collegiate level. Soccer was so much fun for me. I realized that I and many of the other players had a lot of toxic, competitive ego wrapped up in it. So, I stepped away from the sport after participating in some adult leagues for a few years. Sometimes I still miss it, but I'm lucky if I'm able to play in a short pick-up game during the week.

Today, I like to get my physical movement in by stretching, pandiculating, and walking. Preferably in nature. I practice yoga pretty regularly. I lift weights occasionally and rollerblade when I can. It's such a fun way to unwind and build strength at the same time.

I started singing around the same time that I picked up a soccer ball and I haven't shut up since. People tell me that they enjoy my voice. I sure as hell enjoy getting' my sing on in the shower and on the stage. I also learned that the voice, especially your own, is very healing to the body and soul. Sometimes I still feel a little nervous before singing on stage but I'm learning to turn that energy into fuel for a fire performance!

On my healing journey, I've learned that there are only 3 ways to move energy through your body: breath, movement, and sound. When I sing, I engage all three! It's truly a blessing for someone that's full of energy like me.

When I was around 7 years old, I grabbed a pen and some looseleaf paper and got my southpaw moving. I began writing songs, poems, and stories. I continued to do so sporadically throughout my life. I’m so grateful that I get to write on this powerful platform. Since joining, I’ve been inspired by so many of you talented and incredibly interesting people.

When I’m not writing and blogging here on Medium, I work on my singing telegram business. It’s called HeARTS Connection. The mission of HeARTS Connection is to entertain, encourage, and heal through singing telegrams and custom poetry.

So far, I've done several singing telegrams and they've all been wonderful experiences! I love to use my passions and talents to uplift others. I hope to turn HeARTS Connection into a non-profit or social enterprise one day. I'll definitely share the great things we do in the community with you all!

Making the decision to leave law and focus fully on my writing and HeARTS Connection is an act of me putting faith over fear. I believe that the arts have the power to heal and uplift people. They are doing it for me.

Each niche in art has its unique qualities that allow it to heal and connect people. As someone healing from trauma and who is in functional recovery from a mental illness, I can attest to the fact that art saves lives. When I feel disconnected and alone, I can pour myself into an art form and find joy, connection, and healing.

The power of the written word to uplift and inspire is unmatched! In my humble opinion. With writing and singing I'm able to express my words in various ways that make people feel. While pouring into my spirit at the same time.

Five Facts:

-I do musical improv. It keeps me lighthearted, connected, and creative. The name of my musical improv team is Crescendo. If you're ever in Charlotte, come check us out! :)

-I used to do stand-up comedy for about 2 years. It was a fun journey, and I made a lot of folks laugh. I'm taking a break because I realized that I don't enjoy the preparation part so much. Something about stand-up feels a little too judgy too. I'll share some of what I learned on here someday.

-I'm a karaoke queen. It's always a good time! I did a karaoke competition this year called, Karaoke Knockout. I competed for about 10 weeks and advanced to the semi-finals, while helping to raise money for families who are trying to adopt.

-Spirituality is super important to me. It helps me deal with the calamities and chaos of existing in this human form.

-I'm a lawyer. I took and passed the bar exam in 2018. It was never a passion of mine, but I respect it. I've been thinking about stepping away from it so I can step into who I really am. A writer and creative entrepreneur.

Medium member since December 2022