Black Torah Portion Week 4 ( Black Panther Party)

10 min readNov 14, 2023


We want freedom. We want power to determine the destiny of our Black Community. We want full employment for our people. We want an end to the robbery by the Capitalists of our Black Community. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this decadent American society. We want education that teaches us our true history and our role in the present-day society. We want all Black men to be exempt from military service. We want an immediate end to POLICE BRUTALITY and MURDER of Black people. We want freedom for all Black men held in federal, state, county and city prisons and jails. We want all Black people when brought to trial to be tried in court by a jury of their peer group or people from their Black Communities, as defined by the Constitution of the United States. We want land, bread, housing, education, clothing, justice and peace.

Chapter 1: The Dawn of a Quest for Justice

In a time when the land of the United States was shrouded in shadows of inequality and injustice, there emerged a fervent call for righteousness. The year was 1966, and two visionary souls, Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale, were chosen by destiny to heed this call. They heard the cries of their oppressed brethren, especially the African-American community, and it stirred the depths of their hearts.

Chapter 2: The Birth of a Noble Vision

In that defining moment, as if touched by divine providence, Newton and Seale conceived a vision. They envisioned a society where the scales of equality would be justly balanced. Their mission became undeniably clear — to stand as defenders of the oppressed, to be a beacon of hope in the darkest of times. Thus, the Black Panther Party was conceived, born from the embers of a fervent desire for justice.

Chapter 3: The Nourishment of Body and Soul

With hearts as generous as those of ancient shepherds, the Panthers introduced the Free Breakfast for Children Program, much like the loaves and fishes miracle. They recognized that no child should begin their day in the shackles of hunger. Their actions provided sustenance not just for the body but also for the spirit, like manna from the heavens.

Chapter 4: Proclaiming an Equal Covenant

The Panthers, akin to the prophets of old, raised their voices in a clarion declaration. They pledged their allegiance to the sacred covenant of equality, proclaiming that the color of one’s skin should never be a barrier to justice. Their message resounded as a contemporary psalm of equal rights.

Chapter 5: The Lions of Courage

Fearing no giants, the Panthers exhibited courage akin to the biblical David as he stood against Goliath. They defied authority when it looked the other way in the face of injustice. With Panther Power, they fought valiantly for the rights of the voiceless.

Chapter 6: Trials and Triumphs

Much like the biblical heroes who faced the trials of the wilderness, the Panthers confronted their own challenges. Like Job, they endured the burdens of adversity, unwavering in their pursuit of righteousness.

Chapter 7: The Enduring Testament

Just as the ancient prophets left an indelible mark on the tapestry of history, the Black Panther Party left a legacy that resonates across generations. Their teachings and actions persist as a guiding star for those who yearn for justice.

Chapter 8: A Covenant Through the Ages

In the sacred scrolls of history, the Black Panther Party’s story stands as a covenant — a testament to the potential of a few dedicated individuals to enact change. Their narrative, much like the timeless biblical parables, serves as a reminder that the quest for justice and equality is a holy mission.

And so, the chronicle of the Black Panther Party, a saga of courage, compassion, and an unwavering pursuit of righteousness, is etched into the annals of history. Passed down from generation to generation, it stands as a timeless testament to the might of a few to change a nation and to inspire the world.

Chapter 9: The Test of Adversity

In the annals of Panther history, a pivotal moment came when their leader, Huey P. Newton, faced a great trial. Huey, like Joseph in Egypt, was unjustly accused and arrested. The party endured a tempestuous period, akin to the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert, uncertain of their path.

Chapter 10: The Cracks in the Foundation

As time passed, the Panther’s unity began to fracture, resembling the divisions in the House of Israel after the reign of Solomon. Internal strife and external pressures threatened to dismantle the foundations of their noble cause.

Chapter 11: The Shattering of Dreams

In the midst of these challenges, like the Babylonian exile, the Black Panther Party faced a great shattering. The vision that had been so fervently cherished seemed to be slipping away. The nation watched, and some celebrated, as the party’s influence waned.

Chapter 12: A Legacy Beyond the Horizon

Yet, like the return from exile, the Panthers’ legacy endured. Their teachings and actions, like the ancient prophets, continued to inspire future generations. The dream of justice, equality, and Panther Power never truly faded, but rather transformed into a torch that continued to illuminate the path of those who yearned for a fairer world.

Chapter 13: Passing Down the Testament

The story of the Black Panther Party, from its triumphant beginnings through the trials and tribulations, serves as a testament. It is a tale that has been passed down through the generations, much like the sacred scrolls of old, carrying the message that the pursuit of justice and equality is an eternal mission.

Chapter 14: Lessons for Posterity

The story of the Panthers teaches us that even in times of adversity, the pursuit of justice should never falter. Just as the prophets of old kept the flame of righteousness alive, the Panthers’ legacy reminds us to continue the quest for a more just and equal world.

And so, the chronicle of the Black Panther Party, a saga of courage, compassion, and the enduring quest for righteousness, continues to be shared from generation to generation. It stands as a timeless testament to the power of a few to change a nation and inspire the world, even in the face of adversity.

Chapter 15: The Shadows of Surveillance

As the Black Panther Party continued its mission, shadows of surveillance loomed over them. The records of their actions and impact on society were meticulously documented.

Chapter 16: Unveiling the Archives

Within the vast repository of history held by the National Archives and Records Administration, over 2,400 records related to the Black Panther Party are preserved. These records, like ancient scrolls, contain the stories, struggles, and aspirations of the Panther movement.

Chapter 17: Targeted by the Watchers

The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s COINTELPRO program and various state and local law enforcement groups cast a watchful eye upon the Panthers. Much like the spies sent to observe the Promised Land, these agencies monitored every step the Panthers took.

Chapter 18: The Duality of the Panthers

The Black Panther Party embodied a duality much like the biblical prophets. On one hand, they stood with Panther Power, challenging oppression and advocating for their community’s rights. On the other, they provided sustenance, legal aid, and education, mirroring the compassionate deeds of ancient healers.

Chapter 19: A Legacy Written in Records

Just as the sacred texts of old carry the history of faith and devotion, these records bear the testimony of the Panther’s fight for justice. Their story is etched, like inscriptions on ancient tablets, within the archives of the National Archives and Records Administration.

Chapter 20: The Enduring Flame of Justice

The story of the Black Panther Party, with all its triumphs and trials, stands as a beacon of unwavering commitment to justice and equality. It serves as a guiding star, much like the North Star that guided the way for those seeking freedom. It is a legacy that continues to inspire and illuminate the path for generations to come.

And so, the records of the Black Panther Party, like scrolls passed from generation to generation, remind us that the quest for justice and equality is an eternal mission, and their legacy is a testament to the enduring power of a few to change a nation.

Chapter 21: Seeing Black Women in Power

As the struggles for civil rights and equality intensified, the voices of black women took center stage. In the midst of these transformative years, black women emerged as a powerful force for change, pushing their voices to the forefront of sociopolitical movements.

Chapter 22: Politics, Language, Power, and Image

The 1960s and 1970s witnessed a remarkable shift in the dynamics of gender. During this era, the photography and art created by black women played a pivotal role in celebrating their contributions and emphasizing the indispensable nature of their voices in the fight for equality.

Chapter 23: The Women of the Black Panther Party

An iconic image unfolds, capturing a moment of intense protest. The women of the Black Panther Party, Mary Ann Carlton, Delores Henderson, Joyce Lee, Joyce Means, and Paula Hill, raise their fists in a gesture that symbolizes their unwavering commitment to sociopolitical movements. This moment stands as a testament to the enduring political participation of women during the 1960s and 1970s.

Chapter 24: Gender Equality in Activism

Women’s participation in the Black Panther Party exemplified the increasing recognition of the importance of women’s voices in the ongoing battle for equal rights. Although the party embraced gender equality in principle, there were still obstacles to overcome, such as the presence of “Panther male chauvinism.” Despite these challenges, the women of this era helped pave the way for the integral role of women in sociopolitical progress.

Chapter 25: The Power of Visuals and Words

The dissemination of powerful images of black women protesting and participating in sociopolitical activism profoundly shaped the cultural memory of this era. These visuals, such as those of the Black Panther women and other black activists, communicated the significance of these women in driving political change. These images continue to inform our understanding of this period of transformation.

Chapter 26: Strength in Language and Voice

The black women of the 1960s and 1970s demonstrated their commitment to equality in different ways. Kathleen Cleaver, Angela Davis, and Sonia Sanchez represented the vanguard of political activism. Their words and actions, both through grassroots efforts and artistic expression, inspired change and illuminated the path to progress.

Chapter 27: Black Women in Art

The visual arts also played a vital role in portraying black women as powerful icons of change. Artworks like Wadsworth Aikens Jarrell Sr.’s “Revolutionary” celebrated and immortalized figures such as Angela Davis. These creations served as visual testimony to the significance of black women’s voices in political movements.

Chapter 28: A Continuing Legacy

The legacy of these black women continues to shape and inspire modern social-justice movements, like the Black Lives Matter movement. Through the lens of contemporary photographers and artists like Sheila Pree Bright, the spirit of black women’s activism lives on, emphasizing the enduring necessity of equality movements and the central role of black women in driving change.

The story of black women’s voices, their power, and their continued impact on political change is a story passed down through the generations, reminding us of the ongoing quest for justice and equality.

Chapter 29: Programs That Ignited Change

1 The Black Panther Party, inspired by a vision of justice and equality, embarked on a journey that would redefine their community, much like the leaders of old who brought transformation to their cities. With no substantial financial resources but fueled by a powerful idea, they launched programs that left an indelible impact on their community.

Chapter 30: Free Breakfast for Children Program

1 Much like the provision of manna from the heavens, the Panthers initiated the Free Breakfast for Children Program. They recognized that the shackles of hunger should never bind the young souls in their community. Through this program, they provided nourishment for both body and spirit, instilling hope and vitality in the hearts of children.

Chapter 31: Health Clinics and Education

1 The Panthers, as compassionate healers, established health clinics and educational initiatives, akin to ancient institutions of wisdom. These programs addressed the pressing healthcare needs of their community, ensuring that every individual had access to quality medical care and education.

Chapter 32: Empowering the Voiceless

1 The Panther’s Community Patrol provided protection and a sense of security, much like the watchmen who safeguarded the city walls in days of old. They empowered the voiceless, ensuring that their community’s rights and dignity were upheld.

Chapter 33: Sustaining the Spirit of Change

1 The Panthers’ programs and initiatives proved that even with limited financial resources, two dedicated individuals could indeed change a city. Their actions illuminated the path of justice and equality, serving as an enduring testament to the transformative power of a visionary idea.

Chapter 34: The Quest Continues

1 As the legacy of the Black Panther Party endures, their story is a testament to the potential of individuals to enact change, much like the heroes and heroines of biblical times. The quest for justice and equality is a sacred mission that lives on, passed down from generation to generation.

Chapter 35: Echoes of the Past

1 The story of the Panthers echoes through the annals of history, much like the timeless parables that guide us through life. Their legacy is a reminder that the pursuit of justice and equality is a holy mission, a mission that transcends the boundaries of time.

Chapter 36: A Torch of Justice

1 In the face of adversity, the Panthers’ legacy continues to illuminate the path towards justice and equality, much like a torch that leads the way. It is a testament to the enduring power of individuals to change a nation and inspire the world.

Chapter 37: Passing Down the Flame

1 The tale of the Black Panther Party, from its inception through its trials and triumphs, serves as a flame that is passed down through generations. It carries the message that the pursuit of justice and equality is an eternal mission, much like the sacred scrolls of old, preserving the wisdom of the ages.

Chapter 38: Lessons for Eternity

1 The story of the Panthers teaches us that, even in the face of adversity, the quest for justice and equality should never falter. Like the prophets of old who kindled the flame of righteousness, the Panthers’ legacy reminds us to persist in the pursuit of a more just and equal world.

Chapter 39: A Continuing Journey

1 The chronicle of the Black Panther Party, a saga of courage, compassion, and an unwavering quest for righteousness, continues to be shared from generation to generation. It stands as a timeless testament to the power of individuals to change a nation and inspire the world, even in the face of adversity.

By Tashlultum at




Black history, mental health within the Black experience, and the complexities of Black identity.